Chapter 137

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Dad- you scared me.. *holds your hand*

Veronica-*sighs* I'm sorry dad, about earlier.. I was freaking out, i didn't mean to blame you..

Dad- no, I deserved it. I am the reason your mom is here, I hurt her and continued to hurt her. I was wrong earlier, I'm dumb as hell but lucky as hell she's still here. I can't loose her, I can't loose you either. She means the world to me and I almost killed her..I'm sorry.

He started to cry so I sat up slowly to give him a hug. I couldn't hold in my tears they just fell, I felt bad for my dad I did. I know how he feels about my mom and if he lost her I don't know how he would be able to cope. He let me go when Diggy cleared his throat, my dad wiped my cheeks before him and Diggy slowly helped me into the wheel chair. I took a deep breathe before Diggy pushed me into my moms room.

Dad- I got it from here...thank you.

Diggy- I'll be right outside the door.

Diggy touched my shoulder before walking out.

Dad- Veronica, we can come back when she's up.

Veronica- no..I want to see her. I was supposed to be in here to talk to her when she first woke up.

He didn't say anything he just pushed me closer to her bed side. She was laying on her back, IV plugged into her arm with the pulse keeper still on her finger. I felt relieved to not see her relying on a breathing machine, I held her hand. She turned her head towards me and slowly opened her eyes.

Mom- Veronica..?

Her voice was soft yet hoarse, I wanted to stand so bad but my body wouldn't bare it.

Veronica- mom..*slightly laughs and smiles* you're okay.

Mom-*squeezes hand* why are you in gown? You didn't do what I did right..?

Veronica- I'm okay..but you scared me. I thought I lost you forever, please don't do it again..

Mom- Lo siento María. *looks at dad then back at me* Déjame hablar con tu padre solo, ¿de acuerdo?

My dad heard the word padre and knows that it meant dad. I touched her hand again before looking at my dad to push me out to where Diggy was.

Dad- take her back to the room. I'll be in there as soon as I get done in here alright?

Veronica- dad..can you please fix it?

He kissed my forehead, then walked back into the room. Diggy pushed me back to mines then helped me back onto the bed.

Veronica-*sits up* where are-

Diggy- My mom had them, but now Nicole's with India and spin, Jr's with Prodigy.

Veronica-*sighs* is Nicole okay? I hope I didn't freak her out..

Diggy pulled a chair closer to the side of the bed then sat down.

Diggy- she told me your mom was sleeping on the bathroom floor..when you started freaking out and the people coming in and out of the house she freaked out too. I would've gotten here sooner but I had to calm her down. Spin is bringing her down here tomorrow.

Veronica- sorry..

Diggy- *sighs* are you okay?

Veronica- I feel a lot better now that I know my mom is breathing on her own. When I saw my dad earlier I lost it, I literally wanted to kill but..all I could do was push him.

Diggy- you literally didn't react until he showed up. I didn't know how he was going to react to your reaction so the first thing in my head is damn I gotta get you off him. If he hit you, no disrespect but I would've hit him back.

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