Chapter 141

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Kimora- are you sure you want to do this? With everything you've got going on, is this the best decision for you?

Veronica- I honestly think it is..I looked at the email and they have everything but the clothes. I know what they want, I know I can do it. But I can't do it alone.

Kimora- I figured that. When do you get back in town?

Veronica-*sighs* I'm probably going to have to come back earlier then I planned. Two weeks?

Kimora- good, that's enough time for me to pick out the best two people here. This is your name on the line Veronica, not mines. When you come back down I need you to come straight in the following day. There's going to be a lot to do, and a lot of pressure on you. I know you can handle it, but to be sure I want to call in a meeting. I want to hear what you have in mind, I want to hear what you're planning. Understood? I'm not trying to make it harder on you, I just want to make sure you're on the top of you're game.

Veronica- and I will be. Thank you.

Kimora- alright, tell your mom and dad hi for me. I'm praying for her, and I hope all is well.

Veronica- thank you it's appreciated, and I will

Kimora- okay see you soon. Call if you need help.

Veronica- okay, bye.

Kimora- bye.

I pressed 'end' and called Diggy right after before calling spin to give him his answer.

Diggy- hey babe.

Veronica- hey, are you busy?

Diggy- nope, I just put both of them down for their nap. I'm going over my moms later though.

Veronica- oh okay.

Diggy- what are you doing?

Veronica- nothing I just got off the phone with Kimora. Later, we're going out for Lizbeth's birthday.

Diggy- that sounds nice..what was Kimora saying?

Veronica- nothing, I had called her. Spin offered me a job.

Diggy- to do what exactly?

Veronica- help him, Tyga, Jeremih, and I forgot the others guy name starts with a V though..Venus or something.

Diggy-*laughs* Velous?

Veronica- yeah.. You know him?

Diggy- yeah he's cool and shit. 

Veronica- oh okay.

Diggy-*laughs* are you going to tell me what you're helping them with?

Veronica- *laughs* with their video, spin wants me to-

Diggy- hell nah, they have enough dancers and shit. You not a video vixen.

Veronica-*laughs* shut up Diggy, that's not what he wants me to do. He wants me to style them for the video which is in three months but they want the clothes ready a month early. So I cleared it up with Kimora to make sure it was okay. Now I'm clearing it with you.

Diggy- you know I don't mind as long as they not having you change shit up last minute just cause they don't like it. If you're fine with it, I am too.

Veronica- good, so I'm going to call spin later to let him know I'm in.

Diggy- this will be good for you right?

Veronica- I would hope so. I think so, I'm coming back in a week instead of five. I told Kimora two though, I just want to be with Nicole and Jr the first week.

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