Chapter 66

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It was the day before my wedding, I managed to lose most of my weight in the stomach area. The dress fitted how I wanted it to fit, perfect. Nicole was staying with me until after the wedding. Ms. Justine agreed to watch her, after we had the rehearsal of the wedding and the rehearsal dinner I went home with diggy so I coukd finish packing Nicole's stuff up. Diggy is having a bachelor party and I told him not to tell me if he fucks up or whatever. I didn't ask if strippers were going to be there because I already knew they were. After I punped as much as I could I put the bottles in a refrigerator fed and burped her, Diggy took us to where my family was Staying which was downtown. My dad wasn't there guess doing something with his job. Ashely was holding Nicole and I was sitting on my bed next to Paige and Baby J. She hasn't said a thing about Issa, to be honest at this moment I don't all.

AuntLinda- are you nervous..excited?

Veronica- I don't feel anything right now.

Mom- oh you will in the me.

Paige- who's watching Nicole for you guys' honeymoon or are you taking her with you?

Veronica- Ms.Justine is and Mr.Simmons. they agreed a while back.

Ashely- instead of soon-to-be- in laws you should have had blood family watch her.

Verobica- ashely shut up, she'll be fine with her grandparents get over it.

Mom- come on guys.. veronica needs to rest.

Ashely- whatever.

She handed me nicole and everyone got up except Paige and baby j. She moved over to her bed.

Paige-*laughs* must be her time of the month.

Veronica- who you telling..she's like that all the time and its hella annoying.

Paige-*laughs* I know...where's your dad?

Veronica-*shrugs* I have no idea.

Paige- I know he's not with diggy and them.

Veronica- he's mist definitely not. He's probably out working. Watch her while I take a shower?

Paige- okay.

I placed nicole on my bed and set pillows around her. After showering I put on my pajamas changed Nicoles diaper and watched Baby J as paige went to shower. After paige came out I gave Nicole herw pacifier and she fell asleep. I went right after her


When paige woke me up I realized that I was in a chair holding Nicole I stood up and placed her in the bed.

Paige- how'd you get over there?

Veronica- nicole kept crying, she wasn't hungry nor in need of a diaer change so I picked her up and walked around. She didn't go back to sleep until 5 so I just sat where I was at and KO.

Paige- well you need to shower, I'll get nicole ready. The lady said wash Your hair then when you're in your robe come to your moms room.

Veronica- okay.

I got up brushed my teeth, used the bathroom, and showered. When I finished I got out and I put my robe on then walked into my moms room. Everyone was in there getting ready. I've never felt so closed in like this before. I got pulled into the kitchen by the hair stylist and my make up artist. The man blow dried my hair and flat ironed it then curled it. The lady did my make up and put on my jewelry. Everything and everyone was moving fast. I took ten deep breaths in and out, then it was time for me to put on my dress. My mom had helped me zip it up, I put on my shoes. I waited for everyone to get done who was riding in the limo with me. When everyone was ready we all walked outside to the front where my gold and black limo was waiting. The guy helped me in first then everyone else. Afro is picking Paige up due to her having baby J and nicole. When we arrived they took me to the back room. I was in there with my mom, forty minutes later she handedme my bouquet of flowers.

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