Chapter 156

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Chapter 156

Veronica- what? I came so be fucking glad.

Diggy- shut up, and stop cussing. You're at a kids party for crying out loud, cut it out. Eat some cake, be happy.

Diggy handed me his plate that had vanilla ice cream and a slice of strawberry cake.

Veronica- I rather ride you than stay Diggy.

Diggy- *laughs* don't say things like that.

Veronica- why not? I'm only telling the truth.

Diggy- you're not aloud to talk to me like that when you know I can't act on just eat this, then the next thing you'll know is we'll be home and you will be ri-

Nicole came running in and hiding behind Diggy's leg, she was laughing and he just picked her up.

Veronica- who are you running from?

Nicole- *laughs* I had just went away from Ray.

Diggy- *laughs* did you have cake and ice cream?

Nicole- no, I don't like the strawberry cake so I let Jacob have it.

Veronica- where's your brother?

Nicole- with Spin and Des..she's nice..but I'm ready to go..can we go to grandpas daddy?

Diggy- you don't want to stay any longer?

Veronica- we haven't seen Jasmine open her gifts yet, Nicole.

Nicole- that's okay, I'll come over next time and we can see her toys.

Diggy- you sure?

Veronica- go get Jr, say goodbye and then we'll leave.

Diggy- *puts her down* where is the bag?

Nicole- Jr.'s bag?

Veronica- I'll go get it, Nicole you go on..Diggy go with her.

Diggy- *laughs* that was the plan.

I finished up the cake and ice cream before getting rid of the plate and spoon. Then I went upstairs to get Jr.'s bag out of Jacob's room, which of course I ended up bumping into Paige. Paige stepped aside letting me in, and when I came out she was still standing there, waiting.

Paige- you're leaving?

Veronica- yeah, Nicole's ready..

Paige- Nicole or you?

Veronica- believe whatever you want, either way we're leaving. Thanks for the invite.

Paige- did you even say bye to my parents?

Veronica- can you get out of the way so I can? Damn Paige, you're not going to harass me about not saying goodbye when you are in the way.

Paige- whatever Veronica.

Paige stepped aside letting me go downstairs, I looked back and she was heading towards her room. I went to say bye to her parents before going to Diggy, he was holding Jr. while talking to Afro and Ray.

Diggy- you ready?

Ray- you know she is.

Veronica- shut up Ray, where's Nicole?

Diggy- *laughs* she's inside.

Veronica- oh okay, come on, Jasmines gift is in her room.

Prince- *hugs me* thank you, and thank you Diggy for forcing her to come.

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