Chapter 65

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The next morning I got up around 3 because Nicole started to cry for the third time durning the night. So I fed her and stuck her back in the bed I put pillows on the side of her and threw on jogging pants and a t-shirt. I drove to paiges house, I had a key so I used it afro was sleep on the couch. I made my way upstairs and woke paige.

Paige-veronica what the hell

Veronica-get up, we're going running.

Paige-its 4:30.

Veronica- and I need to get back before Nicole gets up.

Paige-*sighs* fine.

I waited for her downstairs she came and I drove down to the lake and we ran the trail three times. afterwards we sat on the bench to catch our breathe.

Veronica-yall didn't speak when y'all left what was that about?

Paige- that's why you wanted us to go run? So you could be nosey?

Veronica- uh no. I want to loose weight that's why. And hell yeah imma be nosey.

Paige-its nothing so don't trip. Let's go before Nicole gets up.

I sighed and reluctantly got up. We made our way back to the car I dropped her off and went back home diggy was up changing her it was 6.

Veronica- I got can go back to sleep.

Diggy-nah I'm up now. Where you go?

He threw the diaper away and buttoned her onesie up and put on pink footies and laid her back in our bed.

Veronica- I went running with paige.

Diggy- why so early?

Veronica- figured I'd go when you both were sleep.

Diggy-did you ask her about yesterday?

Veronica- yep

Diggy- what she say?

Veronica- she said it was nothing. But Issa gone tell me.

Diggy- what happened to not getting involved?

Veronica- I'm not..I'm just curious as to what happened.

Diggy-call it what you want.

Veronica- *laughs* forget you. You wanna know what happened just as much as I do.

Diggy- but I'm asking you not them.

Veronica- whatever.

Diggy- get dressed.

Veronica- where you trying to go?

Diggy- breakfast.

Veronica- you want her out there?

Diggy- not at all..but we have to eat.

Veronica- ill get her dressed. You can go ahead.

Diggy-she just needs pants. I changed that onesie

Veronica- oh well okay.

I got up and got in the bathroom. I tooka shower and washed my hair I left it curly and put on jeans and a silk shirt with black flats. Diggy got in after me so I finished packing Nicole's baby bag. When I was finished packing I put her in her portable carseat. I put baby blankets around her and buckled her in. Diggy came down and helped me get her in the car. He strapped her in I put her bag in. He drove to denny's, to avoid cameras we took a table inside instead of outside table. I sat Nicole next to me since it was a booth table she was over it. We patiently waited for our food and drinks after ordering.

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