chapter 86

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I was awoken by alarm constantly beeping, then a slight shaking. I knew I had to get up or I was going to be late. Thinking I was in my room, I walked to the bathroom and used it. When I didn't see my tooth brush and make up on the counter. So I walked out and saw Jose just in his boxers, making him a bowl of cereal, I looked down just to make sure nothing happened.

Jose- we didn't even sleep in the same need so you're good.

Veronica- you should have woke me up.

Jose'- for what? Leo didn't come back, so you was straight.

Veronica- seriously?

Jose- yes, jadah must have gave in.

Veronica- I hope they didn't fuck though.

Jose- why?

Veronica- I'll tell you later. I'm about to get dressed.

Jose- aight.

I put my shoes back on and left out, I didn't grab my key from José's room stop I knocked. Leo came out in his clothes, said good morning and went to his room, jadah was in the shower so I just picked my out fit, for the day. They told us to dress in something easy to take off. So I took out a pair of black leggings and a crop top with my toms. By the time I finished deciding on what to wear Jadah came out with jeans and a regular tee from either forever 21 or live culture. I went in, showered brushed my teeth, fixed my hair did my make up, and got dressed. When I came out Jadah was packing a smaller bag so I did too. I just grabbed some money, my phone and keys and stuck it into a across the chest coach purse.

Jadah- ready?

Veronica- yes but uh what happened last night?

Jadah- nothing, we just watched movies and he went back to his room but you were sleep in Jose's bed, and Jose was in Leo's, so he came back and slept in here.

Veronica- so no

Jadah- what?! No!

Veronica- alright I'm just checking.

Jadah- we didn't do anything.

Veronica- okay. Okay.

Me and jadah walked to the lobby, Jose was with the photographers, me and jadah were with the female models and Leo was on the side with the female models.. We went with Scharlene and some other people who worked with or for her. We went to this big store that was down town, we had to go to the back to get fitted. The clothes there were amazing, we met the owners and the designer. We were going to model and take pictures with her. The make models were taken with the name side to get fitted for there clothes. After we all were fitted we were taken to the back back room, that had seats, and like a projector. I had assay next to Jadah, then Leo had came on the other side of me since jadah's other side was taken by some red head. The designer came up and reintroduced herself, as the miss La'Va. Her clothing line was mixed with intimacy, and dressy type like gown clothes. Our first photo shoot was tomorrow, women clothkng wear consisted of lingerie, and of course men was men underwear. Then the gown dresses were fucking beautiful , like masquerade ball dresses. Then men had simple tux with masks . The make up on those girls were priceless. And this is what we get to wear for our first show. And I'm kind of happy diggy isn't going to be there, becuasue I don't know I how he would react to the intimate pictures.

La'Va- any questions?

Everyone was silent.

La'Va- great, I shall see you all tomorrow at 7. Oh please , ladies was and blow dry your hair. No make up on when you come in. And dress in sweats. Men no make up and no grease or oil in the hair, we'll take care of that. And if you have un attractive chest hair please please shave that tonight.

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