Chapter 49

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The next morning Diggy woke me up at 8:45. I got showered and dressed my parents were already gone by the time me and diggy caught a cab to a breakfast spot downtown. After dinner me and diggy went back to my house to get our bags and go check into the hotel i got fo us in the city. We were settling in.

Diggy-does your mom know you got a hotel?

Veronica- yeah i told her lastnight.

Diggy-your dad?

Veronica- nahh..i didnt tell him.


Veronica-*shrugs* i planned on it last night. But ill call him.

Diggy-you wrong.

Veronica- im going to call him..matter of fact ill go up to his job. Ill be back.

Diggy- cant you go later ?

Veronica- do you have something planned..? I rather go now to get it out the way.

Diggy- you have nothing planned so go later on today.

Veronica- why?

Diggy-why not?

Veronica- fine.

Diggy- thank you.

Veronica-well since i aint doing nothing, ill call Jacob back.

Diggy- ugh i guess.

I ignored his ugh and continued calling Jacob i moved acrossed the room and diggy laid back on the bed


Veronica- you wanted to talk about something?

Jacob- i didnt want to bother you while you were out of town. It can wait?

Veronica-no, you're fine. What's up?

Jacob- i know you're probably wondering why i have yet to invite you to the bbq on saturday.

Veronica-yeaahhh. Whats up with that?

Jacob- you know you would be the first one i asked but i knew bahja was coming and you two in the same room..i just didnt know.

Veronica- im not trippin over her . She dont say nothing to me i wont say nothing to her .

Jacob- alright..ill make sure of that. But you can come if you want.

Veronica- okay. See you.

Jacob- aight.

I hung up the phone and tossed it on the counter diggy was on his phone in the sameposition so i walked back over and sat on his lap one leg on both sides of him.

Diggy- you're heavy.

Veronica- get off your phone.

He sat it down.

Diggy- you got on yours.

Veronica- but i was talking to someone..

Diggy- i was talking to my fans.

Veronica- ill get off you.

I started to but he just held me in that spot

Veronica-i thought i was heavy?

Diggy- nahhh. You good.

Veronica- thats not where i wanted this to go.*gets off*

Diggy-*laughs* i wasnt thinking like that.

Veronica- but-

Diggy- don't say it. I know.

Veronica-*laughs* get up then.

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