Chapter 168

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Veronica- what?

Diggy- chill out.

Veronica- you chill, I'm trying to shower.

Diggy- I know, I just came in to talk to you real quick.

Veronica- it can't wait?

Diggy- nah because I'm about to head out.

Veronica- where are you going?

Diggy- I'm going in for a few.

Veronica- really? I thought you w-

Diggy- I'm going in for Ashely, help her out a bit and I'll be back.

Veronica- have you talked to your mom?

Diggy- don't worry about that, just call me when you dressed and shit.

Veronica- okay.

Diggy nodded his head shutting the shower door. We had gotten up earlier around 5 to come back home, we changed into pajamas and went back to sleep. I didn't think Diggy planned on going in because he had told me he wasn't needed until Tuesday. After I showered, I got dressed and decided to go out to the mall downtown. I wasn't just shopping for me, I was shopping for Jr and Nicole. I was on my way back to the car when I saw Jacob. I didn't think he had saw me so I just thought I could walk passed him without him saying anything.

Jacob- Veronica.

I sighed to myself before stopping and looking at him.

Veronica- oh, hey.

Jacob- what's up?

Veronica- I'm about to head back home.

Jacob- he's with you?

Veronica- you want to talk to me?

Jacob- don't do that shit, you were ignoring me.

Veronica- yeah but the other day, you weren't fucking with anybody so I'm actually surprised to see you outside.

Jacob- I was pissed off, what did you expect?

Veronica- did you work things out with Janice?

Jacob- yeah, I calmed her down.

Veronica- *laughs* I bet she'll never go out with us again.

Jacob- where did you park?

Veronica- you go, I'll see you later.

Jacob- you don't think we should talk?

Veronica- there is nothing to discuss.

Jacob- you don't even want to tell me why you just shut me out?

Veronica- you didn't bother trying to talk to me again either.

Jacob- where did you park?

Veronica- you don't have anything better to do?

Jacob- Veronica.

I sighed to myself before walking away from him first, my car wasn't too far away from where we were standing. I put all the bags in the trunk, while he got in on the passenger side, then I got in myself.

Veronica- have you talked with Bahja?

Jacob- no, I haven't spoken with Bahja since she attacked Janice.

Veronica- you haven't even heard from her? Do you think that's okay?

Jacob- like I said before, if she can't handle the wild shit she does she shouldn't fucking do it. It's not my job to watch over her like she's a damn kid, and if she's too afraid to come out I don't know what to tell you or anyone else.

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