Chapter 140

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Mom- I am okay Veronica.

Veronica- ma, can you please just wait until they are over for you to go back to work? Please?

Mom- *sighs picks at food* me doing what I did was stupid..

Veronica- mama..

Mom- no let me vent, we're here to talk about it right?

Veronica- yes.

Mom- what I did was stupid, I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I'm not a weak person, but I just felt alone. I was loosing the person who i do love, he is my backbone. I've been through everything with him, the death of my sister he was there with me. He supports me with everything I do, I support him with everything I do and for him to do that to me..3 bitches Veronica, what was I supposed to do? I felt betrayed, I felt ashamed that I didn't know but some people did, I felt like he didn't care for me, I knew something wasn't right because he wasn't treating me how he normally would. He started walking all over me, he would talk to me like I wasn't shit, but I ignored it because without him I can't function right. And that day was the last straw for me, I didn't want to divorce him but I wanted to be at peace, divorce was my last option. I never meant to hurt you, nor have you in that position..I'm sorry.. I love you, I love Ashely likes she's mines, I love Diggy, I love Josh, and I love my grandkids.

Veronica- I don't think you're weak mommy..I know you're strong, independent beautiful woman but every strong independent beautiful woman has their issues. I didn't know daddy was doing that stuff, I'm so sorry. If anything he shouldn't be making you feel less of yourself, he should be making you happy, making you feel confident. Building you up not breaking you down, don't ever think you're showing me a side that I don't want to see. You can call me when you're at your worst point. I'm not here for nothing, if you just want to get out the house call me mom I don't have a issue with driving down here. I love you too and I never ever ever want to see you at that point again. And it hurts me that I have to hear that daddy was treating you like that, when I know I know that he can't function with out you, I know that he loves you, and I know his life would be awful if it meant loosing you because of the things he's chosen to do or say..


Veronica- dad, I need to talk to you.

Dad- it can't wait?

Childish- nah go, I can wait.

Veronica- thank you.

Dad- come with me.

He let me walk out first but then followed him to his office. I closed the door then faced him.

Dad- is mom okay? I just got off the phone with her?

Veronica- yes mom is fine, she's with Ashely.

Dad- oh well what's going on? Do you want to sit down?

Veronica- no I don't want to sit down Dad. I didn't know you basically were abusing mama.

Dad- what? What the hell are you talking about? I never put my hands on her, I'm not stupid. I love your mother and will kill for her.

Veronica- so why did you cheat? Why did you treat her like shit?

Dad- *sighs leans on desk* I don't know why I did any of that stuff. I hate myself everyday for it, I could've lost my soul mate and the mother of my child because of my dumb ass ways. We're in this position because I fucked up badly. I swear I'm doing everything in my power so she knows that I never meant to hurt her. I want her to put the ring back on, but I know I have a lot of work to do. I'm sorry Veronica, for everything. I love you, and I love her. I can't loose neither one of you guys. If I loose the both of you there's no point of me even still being on Earth. I hurt both of you guys and I'm sorry, I'm trying to make her happy again. I want her to wear her ring, I want her to still love me, I want to be able to touch her and she allows me too...I'm trying Veronica, I love her to death and beyond it. I don't see myself without her I never can. Even when I was doing that shit I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I just wanted to- *sighs* I don't even know..but whatever my reason was it doesn't matter because what I did could've killed her. I never want to have you or her in that position again..I love you guys way to much..

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