Chapter 73

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It was the day before Diggy had to go. So he was spending as much time with Nicole as he could. He was at the house with her I was over Paige's. Ashely was somewhere with Spin's nephew and friends.

Paige- shouldn't you be with Diggy?

Veronica- he's paying more attention to Nicole then me.

Paige- why?

Veronica- the other night..few weeks ago, we were in the process of y'know

Paige- what you mean in the process?

Veronica- the stuff he does before we actually connect. Anyways, nicole started to cry he got her and we never finished so I had left and went over Jacobs but he doesn't know that. When I got back we argued shit like that then he said I shouldn't bitch to him if he does what I did so I made him sleep on the couch that night. Ever since then he pays more attention to Nicole than me.

Paige-*laughs* you seem sexually frustrated.

Veronica- I don't know why I used to months without me and diggy having sex.

Paige- same thing with me and prince..after I had Jacob its all I passed though.

Veronica- the only time we talk now is if its about Nicole, or Ashely. And I can't take it, he leaves tomorrow. What am I supposed to do?

Paige- stay away from Jacob. While your horomones are raging,then the type of relationship y'all got..its not a good thing to be alone with him.

Veronica- I'll call you later, I'm going to go talk to him.

Paige- okay. Tell him I said good luck.

Veronica - alright.

I got up hugged her then left. Diggy was watching tv I didn't see Nicole.

Veronica- where's Nicole?

Diggy- she just went to sleep. I put her in her crib, and cut on the baby monitor.

Veronica- oh.

Diggy- what time you have to get Ashely?

Veronica- whenever she calls me.

Diggy- where they go?

Veronica- I think the movies.

Diggy- you didn't ask?

Veronica- Yes I did. I wasn't really listening because I was doing something.

Diggy- of course.

Veronica- what? What do you mean of course?


Veronica- okay so don't say shit if you don't want to explain what you're talking about.

Diggy- what's your problem?

Veronica- nothing is my problem.

Diggy- why is this the most we talked the past few weeks.

Veronica- and that's my fault?

Diggy- I didn't say that. I just want to know why.

Veronica- *shrugs* I don't fucking know.

I walked in the kitchen and grabbed me some chips he followed me.

Veronica- what?

Diggy- did I mess up or what?

Veronica- no. If you messed up I wouldn't still be here.

Diggy- then explain to me, why you have a attitude.

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