Chapter 9

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The following morning i got up and showered. After that i got out and put lotiomn on my body and put on a jean shirt buttoned it up all the way and put on some black ripped jeans with my cool greys. I put on a necklace and went to the bathroom i cbed my hair down and flst ironed it straight after that i put on my mascara and eye liner and some lipgloss i grabbed my phonr ,books,keys and walk downstairs and i ssw my dad. I grabbed a piece of fruit not acknowledgeing him

Da-so we not talking now?

Veronica-i have to go be for im late.

Dad-drive safe...


I walked out and got inside of my car. Once i got there i went to my locker and met up with Paige in our first period. I sat next to her we had Study Hall today.

Veronica- girl.


Veronica- i talked to diggy lastnight

Paige- and what happened?

I got interrupted by the intercom telling all students report to our gym that was in huilding C. Which was the biggest gym/audotiriom once we got there me and paige say next to blake and aaron i kissed him and he put his arn around my shoulder.

Veronica- hey.

Aaron-whats up?

Veronica-nothing. Up in study hall with paige.

Aaron-knowing you wasnt studing

Veronica-*laughs* nope not at all plus we wasbin there for like five seconds

Aaron- what are you doing after school?

Veronica- i dont know. It depends if my mom asks me to come in.

Aaron- what time will you know?

Veronica- around 1 maybe 2

Aaron- well if youre not doing anything , you wanna come over to study?

Veronica- study for...?

Aaron- we have this big test coming up...

Veronica-*laughs* yesterday was our first day. Doubt we have a big test. But ill come over to study *does air quotes*

Our prinicipal came out and did her little speech does everytime we have a assembly or something going on. After she finished the lights dimmed and she walk off the floor and we saw four other people walk out. Back up dancers. Then diggy and jacob walked out they turned the lights back up and they did their performance. After they finished they were signing posters for them. Aaron gave me a kiss and went with blake back to their first period to wait for them to make an annoucement telling us to go to lunch. We decided to go speak ad get a poster We waited at least ten minutes in line was we got up there Paige was the first to speak and introduce herself to jacob i rolled my eyes and laughed.

Diggy- Wassupp ? 

Veronica- hey.

Diggy- That dry hey . *signs it passes it to jacob*  wassup paige..

Paige- Hey.

Jacob signed the poster and handed it to paige. 

Diggy- I'll text you..*he whispered*

Veronica- kay. 

Me and paige walked back to our first period class. It was twenty minutes later when we heard an annoucement telling us we could go to lunch , that's when i got a text from diggy.

Diggy- Meet me at the panda exress down the street ?

Veronica- alright.

I saw aaron in the hallway i walked up to him

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