Chapter 55

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The next morning me and diggy got up and went down for breakfast in the lobby. Afterwards we went back into the room to go down to the beach, but instead me and diggy wanted to go snurkling so we signed up for it and went. It was amazing until i saw a shark no way i was going that deep in the water. After snurkling diggy made plans for us to have dinner later that night on the beach. We were both getting ready at the time. I was doing my hair when he came in fully dressed.

Veronica- you look nice.

Diggy-don't i always?

Veronica-*laughs* if that's what you think. Sure.

Diggy-*stale faces me* ha ha.

Veronica-*laughs stands up* im kidding.

Diggy- hurry up.

Veronica- if you will get out my way i can put my dress on.

Diggy-*steps aside* better?

Veronica-*walks through puts dress on along with sandals* im ready.

Diggy-come on then.

We made our way to the vacant beach i took off my shoes as we walked through the sand. He got us this small table along with this waitress guy for us. He held the chair out for me and he sat in his.

Veronica- what's going on?

Diggy-what you mean?

Veronica- you never held my chair out..well in a while at least.

Diggy-*nervous laughs* since our first date..

Veronica-right....on a bea- is it our anniversary or something...?

Diggy-*laughs* no. Its not.

Veronica-why are you sweating?

Diggy- im not..

Veronica- i can see your shit glistening.

Diggy- *clears throat* just eat.

The waitor removed the tops of our foods and it was some hawaii shit but it was good.

Veronica- i didn't mean to make you un comfortable or make you upset.

Diggy- you didn't. It's fine..

After that we didnt exchange any more words besides thank you to the waitress. After dinner we took a walk on the beach until we found a spot he put his jacket down i sat on it and he sat in the sand.

Veronica- why?

Diggy- why what?

Veronica- you do that..i mean we could have judt went out.

Diggy- because i just wanted to.

Veronica- ...okay.

Diggy-*sighs stands up* i was going to wait but you keep asking questions.

Veronica- wait for what?

He helped me stand back up and he bent down on one knee.

Veronica- diggy wh-

Diggy- tying my shoe..?*starts tying it*

Veronica-*pushes him* stop playing.

Diggy-*laughs stands up* no but seriously.

He grabbed something out his pants pockets and grabbed my hand and got back down.

Veronica- diggy are you playing?

Diggy- i'm seriousas hell right now. Veronica Marina Loya im asking you to marry me..*opens ring box* i want to spend the rest of my life with you. Even though we have our moments, it will never ever mean i love you any less..Veronica, will you marry me?

Hella shit was going through my mind right of those things were me and Jacob kissing. I pushed that to the back of my mind and focused on right now..

Veronica- yes..yes i wil-

I didn't get to finish he put the ring on was beautiful..amazing. He had diamonds and my rihnestone he picked me up and kissed me. I was screaming getting married!!!! Im in engadged !!!!! I was happy words couldn't even describe how i felt. After we made out on the beach we both went back to our room..after we had sex we were cuddled up and i was messing with the ring.

Diggy- do you not like it?

Veronica- no i love it..its just surreal i guess.

Diggy- i proved you wrong..?

Veronica-yeahh..i didn't kno-

Diggy- we wouldn't have got this far?

Veronica- yeah..i never meant to sound doubtful. But i jut thought it was rare that a cele-

Diggy- would go for some one unknown?

Veronica- *faces him* imma need you to quit cutting me off. Shit, can i finish my sentence for once.

Diggy-*laughs* im sorry.

Veronica- since you already finished it im done.

Diggy-*laughs* really..

Veronica-*laughs* yes.

Diggy-well, i don't care if you aren't famous to be honest. That shit doesn't matter to me. I love you for you doing you, i want to marry you because your something in my life i know i cant live without. And with you, you are your self...i hope. You're not faking anything, i know i can trust you, i knew i wanted to see more from you that night we ovooed . I knew you were something special that i couldn't let get away.

Veronica-*laughs* that night was the only time i ovooed someone for more then two hours and the conversation never died. I would have never ever thought we would be in this position.

Diggy-what the after sex cudddle?

Veronica- *laughs* oh shut up. You know that's not what i meant.

Diggy- *laughs* what. It is our position.

Veronica-*laughs* you're annoying.

Diggy-*laughs* but i get what you're saying. And im not mad about that.

Veronica- okay..

Diggy- somebody's going to see it when we get back.

Veronica- the ring?


Veronica- then what? Hide it?

Diggy-no. You can wear it in public..but just be careful because they're going to come in your face and have in magazines.

Veronica- well maybe you should talk to someone first.. before i wear it.

Diggy- i guess i could do that.

Veronica-okay.. *sighs* two more days here.

Diggy-we can always come back.

Veronica-yeah i know, but its nice to get away from everything and everyone.

Diggy- you got a point.

I didn't respond i just laid my head under his neck and he put his arm around me i fell asleep right away. I don't think he did though.


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