Chapter 115

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Nicole- daddy why do you have that on your hand?

Justine- yeah, and what's up with your lip? It's swollen.

Diggy- I sprained it, and I accidentally bit my lip..

Nicole- how?


Diggy- mom, I'm fine. Can you take Nicole into the other room for a second while I talk to Veronica?

Justine- okay..come on Nicole, let's see what grandpa is doing.

Nicole- mommy don't leave without seeing me okay?

Veronica- I won't.

Nicole got down off Diggy's lap and walked out with Justine. Diggy got up to close the door then say next to me.

Veronica- how's your hand..?

Diggy- Veronica, you know we need to talk about this.

Veronica- there's nothing to talk about. I have to find a way to tell my parents and Nicole.

Diggy- we, we have to find a way..why do you keep saying that?

Veronica- *shrugs* I'm sorry.

Diggy- do you know that I'm with you every step? I'm not leaving your side, do you get that?

Veronica- yes..but it's not that I don't think I don't have your support. It's just I don't think I'm really ready to have another baby.

Diggy- what are you saying? Adoption nor abortion is a option for us.

Veronica- no of course not. But I barely got by with Nicole as a new born, it's going to be overwhelming for me.

Diggy- but that's why you have me, and everyone else who supported you from the beginning.

Veronica- I don't know..

Diggy-whatever you need I got you, I'm not here just for my health I'm here to take care of my family.

Veronica- what abo-

I stopped talking because Diggy's phone rang. I sighed and he answered the phone standing up.

Diggy- hello? ....kind can't wait? have to give me a hour or so, I'm at my moms....yeah, Nicole too..alright I'll text you when I leave. ..bye.

He hung up the phone and stuck it in his pocket.

Diggy- come on we gotta go.

Veronica- why? Who was that.

Diggy- it was Roger, I have to go in real I'm going to take you and Nicole home

Veronica- ugh. Okay..

When Diggy dropped off me and Nicole, I took me and her out for dinner then I stopped by Paige's place. I made Nicole leave the room so I was able to talk to Paige alone.

Paige- tell me everything. Prince rold me about last night too, so I want to hear about that as well.

Veronica- how did he find out?

Paige- Ray told him, he told me.

Veronica- oh.

Paige- I'm waiting, and make it fast before Jasmine wakes.

Veronica- well I'm two weeks pregnant and-

Paige- oh my gosh congratulations!

Veronica- thanks.

Paige- you don't sound happy?

Veronica- I am, more then I can say. It's just I don't know..but change of subject Ray called Jacob to come get him. Diggy didn't like the fact that Jacob knocked on his door, after what happened between us..they fought I basically had to beg Ray to break it up. Diggys lip is swollen and he sprained his wrist, I feel awful.

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