Chapter 162

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Veronica- dad just sit here and enjoy quality time with your son in law okay?

Diggy- if he wants to go, I'll be fine.

Dad- see? Now let me go check on my wife.

Veronica- you know mama isn't going to even want you back there.

Dad- so I can't go and say hi?

Veronica- fine whatever, she's going to cuss you out, not me. Vaya por delante, haz lo que quieras.

Dad- don't worry about what she gone say to me, you watch what you say.

Veronica- *shrugs* I'm going to take Diggy with me, we'll see you later.

Diggy- I'll find something to do with Angela and the kids and we'll see you before the show right?

Dad- your sister came?

Veronica- she wanted to see the show so mama saved her a seat.

Dad- *stands* oh, alright. I'll see her tonight then.

My dad kissed my cheek before walking away. I looked at Diggy before he stood up.

Veronica- Well where are you gonna go?

Diggy- I'll call her and see where they at.

Veronica- I haven't seen them.

Diggy- you will tonight. You're working so I didn't bring them with me.

Veronica- so I have to wait until the show starts to see my kids? Okay.

Diggy- Why in the hell would I bring them over here if you're working?

Veronica- the same reason you brought your ass over here Daniel.

Diggy- chill out, you'll see them.

Veronica- *stands up* whatever, bye.

Diggy- *laughs* what you tripping for? If I ain't walk over here with your dad you wouldn't have known I was even in. 

Veronica- I'm just saying, when you made the decision to walk over with him you should've brought my children.

Diggy- that's my fault, just chill and go help your mom.

Veronica- I am.

Diggy- I love you.

Veronica- *playfully rolls eyes* love you too.

I walked over and kissed his cheek before walking back in the main part of the building. Char and Luis were in the process of doing separate things, with different people. My duty basically was to double check everything, outfits, models, music, hair, decorations and etc. The closer and closer it got to the show getting starting the more flustered my mom was starting to get. My dad still being there, instead of leaving forced my mom to stop and breathe for a minute or two, as well as get something to eat. I couldn't convince to even speak to me, yet my dad managed to get her to drop everything that she had been doing.

Around 7:30, Char and I went to shower, and then we gotten our hair and make up done by one of the cosmetic people my mom hired. Around 8:00 my mom went to change, leaving me in charge for a couple of moments. When she came back at 8:30, she shooed everyone out so the models could get dress, and for me and my team to get dressed. Everyone who was walking had to look decent enough to be seen on a live broadcasting, otherwise my mom would've stayed in her jeans and hideous walking shoes. As guests started to arrive, it looked more like a gala than a fashion show.

Mom- Veronica go, get out.

Veronica- I thought you needed us?

Mom- yes, I have Char and Luis I don't need you.

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