Chapter 80

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I woke up around 6 used to it, because Nicole normally wakes around this time. I decided to go for a run to relieve some of the tension out of my body, since I didn't get anything last night. I put on yoga shorts with a tank, and a light weight black jacket. I put on my headphones and plugged them into my phone, I drove to our nearest park. I ran for at least a hour. Afterwards I stopped and got me some breakfast, then went home. Diggy was up on his phone.

Diggy- I was just about to call you

veronica- oh. I just went for a run..

Diggy- why so early?

Veronica-*shrugs* this is the time Nicole normally gets me up with her crying social just went today.

Diggy-well did you eat?

Veronica- yeah, I hand a sandwich from Dunkin Donuts.

Diggy- I was hoping we could have went out for breakfast but never mind.

Veronica- sorry, I didn't didn't tell me.

Diggy- you weren't supposed to get up that early.

Veronica- well its to late now, you can go get breakfast for yourself. I'm going to shower.

Diggy- what's wrong with you?

Veronica- nothing, I'm just saying.

Diggy- alright...?

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I left my hair in a ponytail, afterwards I just put on jeans and a v-neck. Diggy got up and showered as well, and got dressed.

Diggy- well I'm going to get something to eat. I'll be back in a minute.

Veronica- mmhm.

He walked out, and I picked my phone up and called Paige.

Paige- hello?

Veronica- you sleep?

Paige- no, I'm feeding baby J.

Veronica- okay. Well I can't deal anymore.

Paige- what do you mean?

Veronica- because every time diggy wants to have sex with me I let him..most the time. But every time I want him really bad he won't do anything. I begged for him and still nothing.

Paige- first off , you shouldnt beg it makes you seem thirsty

Veronica- I am thirsty ! Very thirsty!

Paige-*laughs* chill, and you didn't get any last night? Afro said y'all had a date.

Veronica- we did ! And he wanted to have sex before we left but I said no, and when we got home I wanted to have sex . I put on that gown we got from Victoria secret and still nothing!

Paige- seriously? I put my black one on, for a minute prince already had it coming off.

Veronica- seeeeeee! Like that, and my boobs were super big in it, but he wanted to watch a damn movie! I need penis Paige, and if I'm not getting it from diggy I need it from somebody else!

Paige-*laughs* veronica, you will live! And you better not cheat! He treats you way to good for you to do that to him!

Veronica- but I'm not getting the affection I need from him! When he gets back I'll try something...but if it doesn't work I'm coming over your house!

Paige-*laughs* yeah alright. And be patient with him, maybe he isn't ready for intercorse again just yet.

Veronica- but I turn him on all the time..but when I'm ready to have sex he's not ready.

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