Chapter 60

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After class I went straight to work. Thank god the fed us because I had not ate all all day. After we finished Kimora called me into her office

Veronica- what's up?

Kimora- I just wanted o give you a heads up that agencies will becoming to the show to check out my models. Some are coming just t interview you.

Veroniva- from this state?

Kimora- no all over.

Veronica- and they want to meet me?

Kimora- yes. And you need to be on your top notch game. Can you meet me on friday..and bring some of your designs that you've made in scool.

Veronica- Friday is my graduation..

Kimora- oh right. Text me that address ill like to attend, what about Saturday..first thing in the morning?

Veronica- that's fine.

Kimora- alright 8 I want you in here.

Veronica- should I bring actual clothing?

Kimora- no just drawings are fine.

Veronica-alright see you tomorrow.

Veronica- okay bye.

I got up and went to tje house I still had a hour before meeting LaLa. Diggy wasn't there so I went to change into blue jeggings with a nice top to match. I put on black flats with a necklace and some bracelets. I curled my hair then left,when I got there she alread had a tablefo us. I walked over amd huged her then took my seat.

Veronica-how are you?

LaLa- I'm good, I've been traveling a lot lately..its nice just to take a break y'know.

Veroniva- for work?

LaLa- yes actually I stopped working at the station and got a new. I don't know what you would call it, but like for certain events ill beon like the run way interviewing people.

Veronica-*laughs* a interviewer? That's cool.

LaLa- it really is..I'll be at the BET awards, on the before show red carpet. Then I'll also bebackstage doing like adds or whatever.

Veronica- oh wow, do you like it?

LaLa-oh I love it the traveling makes it even better..but what's going on with you? I'm glad we got to catch up.

Veronica- girl nothing me and diggy just went on a trip to Hawaii after getting settled in to our house..everything's been pretty good.

LaLa- oh really? How was it?

Veronica-*shows her my hand with the ring on it*

LaLa- *gasps holds the hand to look at it* he did not!

Veronica-*laughs* girl yes.

LaLa- its beautiful! Wow. That thing is amazing.*let's my hand go*

Veronica-*laughs* thanks.

We ordered our food and taked to it got o us then split the bill then talked some more until we realized what time it was then we said bye then went our seperate ways. When I got home diggy was sleeping in the bed I showered and put on a oversized T-shirt then got in.

Diggy- hey..

Veronica- didn't mean to wake you.

Diggy- its fine. What time is it?

Veronica- right now..?

Diggy- yeah.

Veronica- its 12..I got in at 11:30.

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