Chapter 160

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Diggy- you aren't going to eat anything?

Veronica- not really hungry.

Diggy- so you had breakfast after dropping them off?

Veronica- no, I wasn't hungry.

Diggy- you didn't eat dinner last night, or breakfast. Order something.

Veronica- Diggy don't force me to eat when I'm not hungry. It's going to be a waste of money.

Diggy- You can't skip three meals and expect to be energized throughout the day.

Veronica- okay you get something and I'll share with you.

Diggy- what do you want?

Veronica- *laughs* nothing, get what you want and I can take the rest back to work.

Diggy closed his menu and put his arm around my shoulders.

Diggy- are you nervous?

Veronica- nervous for what? Hell no.

Diggy- *laughs* you realize this isn't a ghetto place?

Veronica- *looks at him* that's exactly why I was okay with coming here. If it was a fast food place then I honestly wouldn't think twice about yelling back and forth with her.

Diggy- if you two start yelling I don't see any reason for you sticking around for a pointless ass argument.

Veronica- I don't plan on arguing, I plan on ending it so I can move on and so we can talk about something other than her and Bahja. I'm sick of arguing with you, and my mom, I would like to actually be happy. Being pissed with anyone takes up a lot of energy honey.

Diggy- *laughs* really? I couldn't tell.

I rolled my eyes slightly and watched the waiter come over. After Diggy ordered, I ordered me a strawberry lemonade, and handed her both of our menus. As she walked away, Prince and Paige walked over and she didn't waste any time in sitting down. Prince didn't sit until after he dapped Diggy.

Prince- sorry we're late, traffic.

Diggy- I can get the waiter to come back over, we just ordered.

Paige- that's okay, we ate.

Veronica- why would you guys eat i-

Diggy- it doesn't really matter.

Paige- I'm sure that you didn't want us to come to eat and stare at each other right?

Prince- *mumbles* I could use a beer.

Veronica- I didn't want both of you to come, I wanted you here. I don't care for Diggy or Jacob being here right now.

Diggy moved his arm from around me pacing it on his lap. I didn't bother looking anywhere else, only at her. It was quiet until the waitress came back over with me and Diggy's stuff. She asked if they wanted something and they both said no, so she walked away after nodding her head.

Veronica- anyways, I'm ready to actually talk whatever our issue is out. You starting rumors about me isn't okay, you talking about me to another female you know I don't like isn't okay. I'm done waisting my anger out on you, so I asked for you to come so we can squash this.

Prince- rumors? What rumors Paige?

Paige- I haven't started any rumors, I might've said some things.

Veronica- the thing you just happened to have said just magically got into other people's ears? Wow, okay.

Paige- what did you call me here for Veronica? You're the one who doesn't want to be my friend anymore because you don't appreciate me giving Bahja a chance. You allowed her to ruin our friendship, which isn't okay by the way.

Another Diggy Simmons Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora