Chapter 47

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Once class was over i went straight home. I haven't talked to dighy since lastnight but i knew if i brought it up he would either ignore me or say its not like that stuff like that. Kimora texted me asking if i could come in for a few hours, i agreed. By the time we finished it was 8, so i went back home seeing paige watching tv on the couch.

Veronica- hey.

Paige- hey. Diggy came over but you wasn't here so he said call him.

Veronica- okay.

I went up to my room and called him.

Diggy- hey,

Veronica- what's up? Paige said you came over?

Diggy- yeah, did you go in today?

Veronica- yup, she texted me as soon as i walked in the door to come in for a meeting.

Diggy- how was that?

Veronica- fine, i told her about the interview stuff.

Diggy- what'd she say?

Veronica- she said she didn't mind if i did it,

Diggy- did she email you?

Veronica- mmhm..i agreed

Diggy- when ?

Veronica- friday.

Diggy- tomorrow?

Veronica- naww..

Diggy-*laughs* i didn't think it'll be that close.

Veronica- me either..

Diggy- nervous?

Veronica- hell yeah, what if i say something stupid and everyone makes it a big deal.

Diggy- don't say something stupid.

Veronica- *stale faces him through the phone* wow, you're a lot of help.

Diggy- *laughs* i'm just trying to lighten up the mood..what else do you want me to say?

Veronica- oh just something like, don't worry you'll do fine, you won't say nothing stupid..something a normal helpful boyfriend would do

Diggy- well i'm not like other normal helpful boyfriends.

Veronica- oh i know that.

Diggy- whatever, what are you doing?

Veronica- nothing about to get me something to eat. You?

Diggy- On my computer talking to you.

Veronica- i gotta question, its been bugging me all day.

Diggy- what?

Veronica- do you not want to live with me?

Diggy- what? What are you talking about? Where'd you get that from?

Veronica- I'm just asking..can you just answer it..?

Diggy- i wouldn't be with you for this long if i didn't want to live with you.

Veronica- so that means you don't mind it?

Diggy- how ever you want to put it, just know i will want to.

Veronica- okay..

Diggy- why did you ask?

Veronica- no reason

Diggy- so it was on your mind all day for no reason?

Veronica- mmhm yup.

Diggy- alright..what time is your interview?

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