Chapter 106

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Veronica- I thought Bahja was coming?

Jacob- something came up, I offered to stay but she didn't want me too.

Ray- what you do?

Jacob- nothing ! She not mad at me.

Roc- then why you here and not with your girl?

Issa- so he can try some shit while diggy ain't looking.

Jacob- man shut that shit up. I came for Nicole, and if I wanted to try something on Veronica..Ion need to wait for him to not look.

Twist- bullshit.

Veronica- y'all shut up. Why y'all gotta start that?

Jacob- hol up

He walked over next to me , placed his hand on the middle part of my back and whispered some things in my ear. The shit diggy does in bed, but rarely tells me like that. I pushed Jacob and he laughed at me knowing what he did. He walked on the opposite side when diggy came over to stand next to me after he dapped all the guys, even Jacob but he was kind of hesitant so I know he saw what happened just a few minutes ago.

Diggy- your dad is here. He's waiting out front to talk to you.

Veronica- oh..okay. Are you coming with me?

Diggy- I'm going to get Nicole then I'll be up there.

Veronica- alright.

Before diggy walked off he glanced at Jacob, I ignored both of them and went up front to see my dad. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before we sat on the porch.

Veronica- the party is in the back dad.

Dad- I know, but before I go back there. You know me and you need to talk.

Veronica- if this is about madre..(mom) I don't have nothing to say..

Dad- then you're going to listen. You came down there less then three days ago, and you tell her not to call you nor talk to her only grandchild? Really? That's how we do things Veronica?

Veronica- you don't understand daddy.

Dad- I do, and you're not going to kick one of the people who raised you out your life just like that. Your mom wanted to come, but Linda didn't. Linda is still shaky about the whole Ashely thing, it's only been a few weeks. Give them time, Ashely is the only thing they have left of your moms twin. So get that in your mind, I raised you better then that. Your mom raised you better then that. And if you don't call her by the time I leave tomorrow night it's going to be a issue with me and you. I don't play that goofy shit, you know that.

I wanted to say so much but nothing came out. I love both my aunt and mom.. I never realized that I hadn't gave them much time to get it together. Diggy was right and so was my dad..

Nicole- grandpa!

She quickly ran over to us making the both of us stand up and get off the porch. Diggy walked over to me and placed his arm around me and we watched as Nicole took my dad into a tight embrace.

Dad- you look beautiful, happy birthday.

Nicole- thank you, where's grandma??

Dad- she couldn't make it, but she says happy birthday and she'll call later.

He placed her down and looked at me when he said that. He walked over and shook diggys hand holding onto his free hand was Nicole.

Diggy- how are you?

Dad- I'm good, you taking care of my girls?

Diggy- of course.

Nicole- grandpa, let's go see all my gifts!

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