Chapter 45

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By the time i was awake diggy was getting ready to go, he was putting on his shoes.

Veronica- how long is it?

Diggy- Over four hours..i should be back around 4..5.

Veronica- okay..

Diggy- i'll see you later.

Veronica- alright.

He kissed me and walked out. I stayed in the bed for a few more minutes before getting up to go shower and get dressed for the day. I put on a bra type shirt with a jean jacket on top along with some jeggings and my toms, i wet my hair so it was curly, i styled it and put on my make-up. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses and walked out to paige's room. I knocked on her door she was already up and dressed, she let me in i sat on the couch.

Paige- wanna go out to eat?

Veronica- yeahhhh. I'm starving..

Paige- come on.

We walked to the neareast breakfast place, since it was a nice day we sat outside. After eating we walked around for about two three hours until i had a idea.

Veronica- i wanna get my belly buttoned pierced..

Paige- Seriously? Like, right now?

Veronica- yeaahhh..or a tatoo.

Paige- i'll get the tatoo you get the peircing, then in Atlanta we'll do the opposite.

Veronica- Kay..

She looked up a nice place to get it done. We filled out the paper work and got it done, i did mines first because i wanted to get it over with. It didn't hurt as bad as i expected. But when paige got her tatoo she acted like someone was killing her. She just got a cross that went behind her ear, but since she got a galazy like color it took longer and hurted wrose it was extremely pretty though. When we finished we went back to the hotel, watched movies and waited for them to come back. They came back around 7, wanting to go out to eat, diggy didn't see it yet, i decided to change my shirt because i knew it would be chilly in the resteraunt. I went back to my room took off the shirt i had and put on a galaxy cross shirt, diggy didn't come in until i was finished.

Diggy- hey.

Veronica- hey .

Diggy-*kisses me* miss me?

Veronica- ehh, just a was it?

Diggy- good, alot of people came. Half of them came to meet you.

Veronica- is that a good thing..?

Diggy- yeah, *laughs* they just wanted to get to meet you instead of knowing you thru rumors and stuff.

Veronica- ohh..maybe next time i'll go..

Diggy- you should..what'd you do today? Shop?

Veronica- uh no. Me and paige went out for breakfast...walked around and she got a tatoo..

Diggy- did you get one?

Veronica- no, i got my belly pierced.

Diggy- lemme see.

Veronica-*lifs up shirt pulls it back down*

Diggy- it hurt?

Veronica- not at it hurts a little.

Diggy- oh

Veronica- i gotta question.

Diggy- what?

Veronica- so what you did lastnight..does that give me permission to whoop bahja ass if she tries talking to you again?

Diggy- well no..because of this right we have called freedom of speech..

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