Chapter 113

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Mom- you don't tell me anything anymore.

Veronica- mom, can't you just enjoy some quality time with your granddaughter?

Mom- yes but I want to know what's going on with you and diggy. Justine tells me you two aren't living together, anymore. Is that true?

My dad and diggy walked back in, my dad gave Nicole a drumstick ice cream cone.

Veronica- dad you're going to ruin her appetite for dinner.

Dad- she'll be fine..and would you quit asking her about her relationship?

Mom- Juan, leave me alone. You were probably just asking Diggy about it.

Dad- I didn't have to ask.

Veronica- diggy, really?

Diggy- *shrugs* I wanted to save him the trouble in asking..

Dad- I have the right know, don't i?

Veronica- yes, but we weren't going to say anything because we barely know what we're going to do.

Mom- so you two are divorcing? Oh, no! ustedes son una pareja perfecta! i nunca debería haber sugerido un descanso, lo siento nena!

Veronica- Mamá no estamos divorciando! i debería haber ni siquiera de acuerdo con esto. en esta situación, dejarlo solo..

Nicole- daddy..what is mommy saying?

I sighed and went upstairs to my old room, I shut the door and sat down on my bed. I was really upset diggy told my dad, and my mom was non stop asking me about it. And it would have been way better if both my parents stayed out of it. Diggy made his way in and sat next to me on my bed.

Diggy- what's wrong?

Veronica- nothing, I'm just tired.

Diggy- you're not hungry?

Veronica- nah, I'll be okay skipping one meal.

Diggy- you want me to just bring you a plate?

Veronica- I'm fine, you can eat..send Nicole up here so I can give her a bath and out her in bed.

Diggy- I'm full.

Veronica- you didn't eat all day, you gave me and Nicole all the food you packed.

Diggy- I'm going to bring you a plate, then after Nicole eats something I'll send her up here.

Veronica- please don't tell my dad nor mom anything.

Diggy- I don't want your dad hating me so I told him.

Veronica- ugh, just tell him I said to ask me not you. Same with my mom..ella es entrometido sin motivo.

Diggy- *laughs* chill on your mom, she's curious that's all.

Veronica- a veces, es muy molesto. Yo no quiero que en nuestra relación eso es todo.

Diggy didn't respond because he didn't understand what I said, and my mom walked in standing by the door.

Mom- that's not what I was trying to do Veronica. I'm sorry for caring.

Veronica- mom, you were listening to me talk the whole time?

Mom- no..I was coming to tell you two that dinner was ready, but then I heard you..lo siento por los siglos de pedir

She walked out and I looked at diggy before following my mom into her room, I closed the door she sat on her bed. I sat next to her.

Veronica- mama I want you to care, I'm happy you's just me and diggy are trying to fix things between us. I hated not being with him those four months, I hope things aren't permanent, we need time to ourselves to only think about us. When we get back I'll have a answer for you and dad, you just have to stop bugging me about it when I don't even know the answer.

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