Chapter 136

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I was sitting in the waiting room when I saw Diggy walk in. I didn't say anything because he was examining the room for me, I knew he was freaking out but I didn't want to talk to anybody. Once he finally saw me his expression changed to relief but still worried. He sat next to me putting his arm around me, so I placed my head on his shoulder and held his hand in a semi right squeeze to let him know I needed him more then anything right now.

I closed my eyes but didn't realize I was sleep for a long period of time until I heard somebody talking in Spanish extremely fast, I opened my eyes to see Linda talking to one of the nurses and Diggy was on the phone. I stood up and walked to Linda.

Veronica- Auntie Linda..sit down. They're doing the best that they can. Stop cussing her out because she doesn't understand anything you're saying. Sit down, I'm going to get you some water then I'll talk to you okay?

Linda- fine.

She walked over and plopped down crossing her legs and arms. I looked at the nurse with compassion, she nodded and walked off. Instead of me getting water I got a coffee, since Linda didn't drink coffee I gave her tea. I walked back, handed it to her and say next to her. Diggy looked at me and I tried to give him the best 'I'm okay' smile there is for a time like this.

Linda- I know what happened..they told me everything. But why? Why would she do something like this? On a business trip?

Veronica- mama didn't tell you?

Diggy cleared his throat, so I looked over there without letting Linda know he was telling me not to tell her.

Linda- she didn't do this because of the divorce Veronica. She asked for it.

Veronica- so, that doesn't mean she was still happy over it. Dad is everything to mama, they've been together since 16..married at 19, I don't care what you say. Mama loves daddy with all her heart, daddy is everything to her. She would kill if it means saving him. He's been with her from the start-

Linda- well where is he right now? Not here.

I looked at Diggy, so he walked over.

Diggy- I'll be right back okay? Can you please call me if something happens?

Veronica- my phone isn't available so I'll use aunt Linda's.

Diggy- alright, I won't be gone long. Paige is on her way, along with the guys and Ashely.

Veronica- okay.

After about two hours Diggy was back, everybody had came twenty minutes after he had left. When I saw chelly come into the waiting room looking for me, I immediately stood up and walked over to her.

Chelly- Veronica. I was looking for you for the past hour.

Veronica- I'm sorry.. Have you seen her? How is she? Is she awake? I want to go see her.

Everybody got quiet when they saw me questioning the nurse, Diggy, Linda, and Ashely walked over.

Chelly- immediate family only.

Veronica- they are immediate family. Please just tell me..

Chelly- luckily, all the pills are out of her system. Sadly, by her combining three types of pills placed her in a coma. She's on life support.. I asked the doctor if I could come tell you because I thought you would be more comfortable.

Linda- what kind of pills?

Veronica- does it matter Linda? I want to go see her. I want me and my husband to see her.

Chelly- the doctor didn't tell me that information..but yes only two at a time.

I grabbed Diggy's hand pulling him in front of Ashely and Linda.

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