Chapter 138

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I woke up to my phone ringing, I really didn't want to answer it but I saw it was my dad calling. I looked over but didn't see Diggy so I reluctantly sat up and answered the phone.


Dad- hey, sorry did I wake you?

Veronica- yeah..but I'm up now. What's going on? Mom okay?

Dad- yes she's sleeping right now, we got in late last night.

Veronica- how is she?

Dad- she's fine, I check on her every 10-15 minutes.

Veronica- can you have her call me when she's up?

Dad- yeah, go on back to sleep. We'll talk to you later.

Veronica- okay, love you bye.

Dad- love you too, bye.

I hung up the phone then went to the bathroom, after brushing my teeth and peeing I decided to take a shower. Once I was out, I put lotion on then just threw on some jogging pants and a white v-neck fitted tee. You walked downstairs and saw Diggy feeding Jr, Nicole was watching tv.

Diggy- *kisses me* morning.

You- hey. I thought you guys had left, I didn't hear y'all.

Nicole-*walks over* good morning mommy!

You- good morning Nicole..did you eat?

Nicole- yes, daddy cooked.

Diggy- your plate is in the microwave.

Veronica- I'm not hungry but thanks.

Diggy- Nicole, go upstairs and pick out something to wear for today.

Nicole- okay.

She walled upstairs taking her little stuffed bunny with her. I sat across from Diggy, he finished feeding Jr so he quickly burped him to place Jr in his little around the house carrier.

Diggy-*sits back down* what's wrong?

Veronica- nothing, I was just talking to my dad.

Diggy- everything okay?

Veronica- she was sleeping so I didn't get to speak to her.

Diggy-*sighs* why don't you go down there?

Veronica- I can't, it's to many things I have to take care of here.

Diggy- I'll enroll Nicole, your mom needs you more then anything right now..I don't want you to go but you have too.

Veronica- *sighs* but that means I'm away from you and them, I don't want to be away from you guys.

Diggy- Veronica, just go for a few months..just until you're sure that your mom is okay. Ashely, went down Josh has the baby.

Veronica- I don't know, what about Jr?

Diggy- what about him? I know what to do. I'll stay over my moms that way you'll know for sure they're okay.

Veronica- you won't mind?

Diggy- of course I'll mind, but I'll deal with it because you need to be with your mom..

Veronica- *sighs* okay.. I want to leave as soon as I can though.

Diggy- how soon?

Veronica- tomorrow..

Diggy- that's too soon.

Veronica- no it's not..Diggy, the faster I go the faster I come back.

Diggy-*sighs* then we're coming with you, we'll leave early in the morning and I'll drive.

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