Chapter 135

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Veronica-*sighs* I've said all I needed to say..

Diggy- are we on the same page?

Veronica- as far as what?

Diggy- us. Our relationship?

Veronica- I would hope so. I don't want a divorce, and I do love and care for you..

Diggy- I love you too..

Veronica- so are we okay? Like can we move on from this?

Diggy- yes..we're fine.

Veronica- *kisses him* good.

Diggy- *kisses you back* where did you go this morning?

Veronica- oh..for like a hour I was just driving around. Then I went to-

I stopped talking because Diggy's phone rang then mines rang. Diggy answered his in the room so I took mines downstairs it was my mom calling.

Veronica- hello?

Mom- hey sweetie..

Veronica- what's going on? You know it's passed 10 right?

Mom- yes.

Veronica- mama are you okay?

Mom-*laughs* yes..I haven't talked to you in a while.

Veronica-'s dad?

Mom- I didn't call to talk about him. I call to talk about you. How are you? How are my babies? How's Diggy?

Veronica- *laughs* everybody's okay mom.

Mom- good, I'll see you tomorrow.

Veronica- wait what? You're in town?

Mom- yes, me and your dad are.

Veronica- okay..goodnight. Love you

Mom- I love you too sweetie, goodnight.

I hung up the phone then went back upstairs, I changed into shorts and a tank top before laying down next to Diggy.

Veronica- who called you?

Diggy- spin, he didn't want nothing. Who called you?

Veronica- my mom

Diggy- what she say?

Veronica- she asked how was I, including you and the kids then she told me her and dad will be coming over tomorrow.

Diggy- really?

Veronica- yeah.

Diggy- did you tell them abou-

Veronica- no because it'll piss my dad off, and my mom would just freak.

Diggy- good..

Veronica- I don't want them finding out from someone else though..

Diggy- it hasn't been let out to the public.

Veronica- I know, but my dad knows people and so does my mom. I just don't want the wrong person coming up to them y'know?

Diggy- so we should tell them? But then I don't want your dad pissed at me when I just got you not to be pissed at me.

Veronica- *sighs* we can't just tell my mom, she's bound to tell my dad about it.

Diggy- alright, then when they come over here and get comfortable we'll tell them everything.

Veronica- can we not mention when we got into it? Let's just tell them we've talked it out and are moving on?

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