Chapter 97

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Veronica's POV

Veronica- what do you mean there was a accident?

Officer1- we prefer to explain everything when we get there..

Nicole came back with her shoes in hand.

Veronica- Nicole, go with the officers okay? I'll meet you in the car.

Nicole- mommy no ! I want to stay with you.

Officer2- come on..I'll turn the siren on for you?

Nicole- okay.

She ran out with her shoes still in hand with the officers behind her. I quickly put my shoes on, and grabbed my phone. When we got to the hospital I saw Josh sitting in the waiting room. The officers decided to go get Nicole something to drink while me and josh talked. I still had no clue as to what happened.

Josh- hey..

Veronica- what's going on? They say it was a accident?

Josh- ashely, she borrowed car to go pick Nicole up a gift because of her arm...she was gone for more then a hour I decided to call her..when she answered she got hit..

Veronica- where is she?

Josh- surgery... it was a semi.

Veronica- fuck josh! What the hell!

Josh- I'm sorry I was worried ! I didn't mean for this to happen.

Veronica- have you heard from the doctors?

Josh- they're saying its not looking good..but don't know for sure because they just got her in..

Veronica- when Nicole comes back...just watch her. Don't really say anything..if she asks why we're here just say Ashely got hurt alright?


I walked down the hallway to a more secluded area. When I was walking past I saw Ashely, she looked was undescribable I found this janitors closet and locked myself in it. I immediately broke down, I couldn't lose her she's was the only person who looked up to me in that whole family. And I would be blamed for this whole thing, aunt Linda would hate more mom wouldn't know how to deal with this pain..considering the fact that Ashely is my moms sister daughter..I quickly pulled my phone out and called diggy he still wasn't answering me. So I decided to call Spin because he was with him from what he told me. And luckily he picked up. I was historical, I really didn't know what to do or say.

Spin- hello ?

Veronica- Spin! Diggy's not answering my phone calls... are you with him?

Spin- yeah what's up?

Veronica- Ashely got hit by a semi..we're at Atlanta Emergency.. can you tell diggy I need him.Josh is here as well..

Spin- yeah we're on our way.

Veronica- *sniffs* okay..

I hung up the phone and called my mom

Mom- Hey, sweetie... It's about time I heard from you.. How's everything.

Veronica- mama , I'm sorry...I wasn't with her..I should have made her stayed home..

Mom- are you crying? What's going on? What are you talking about?

Veronica- Ashely . Ella conducía y un semi chocó contra su automóvil .. Lo siento ..

Mom- oh no! We're catching the next flight okay...I...I have to go..

She quickly hung up and I wiped my face, thinking I could go back into the waiting room I couldn't, I just sat back down and cried praying that she was going to be alright.

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