Chapter 164

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Veronica- that's not funny.

Diggy- *laughs* chill.

Veronica- just take me home and I'll be happy.

Diggy- you say this shit to me now, and as soon as we get home you won't let me do anything to you.

Veronica- I'll let you.

Diggy- eat, Veronica.

Veronica- I didn't let you touch me because I had too, but now you can.

Diggy- *looks at me* what are you talking about? You had too?

Veronica- can you get up so we can talk somewhere else?

Diggy- is something wrong with you Veronica?

Veronica- no, everything's fine. I just don't know how you're going to react to what I'm going to tell you. If you get mad at me I rather it be somewhere that isn't around other people..most of them I've never met a day in my life.

Diggy- it's a cook out, nobody ever knows everyone at a cook out. Look, if you eat something we'll go somewhere to talk.

Veronica- how about we just go talk at home? In our bed? Naked?

Diggy- *laughs* Veronica, we literally just got here. Eat some of this shit so we can go talk.

Veronica- I'm not even hungry.

Diggy- did you eat breakfast?

Veronica- you didn't cook for me.

Diggy- nigga, it was cereal in there.

Veronica- I didn't want cereal.

Diggy- you didn't eat breakfast so eat that. It's good, I wouldn't give you no nasty food.

Veronica- *sighs* fine.

I stopped leaning on his chest and sat up, I moved closer to the table bringing the plate in front of me. I didn't eat the ribs, I only ate the hot dog, salad, and corn on the cob. When I felt like I had enough, Diggy ate the rest and I went and grabbed myself a water bottle. When I looked up I saw Jacob standing on the other side of the yard. I hadn't spoke with him since before Diggy told me to leave him alone. I looked away and went back to Diggy, he threw the plate away and we went up front on the porch. It was just a cookout Roc had for some reason, I can't really remember. I drank a little of the water before handing it to him, he leaned against the banister and I stood in front of him. Nobody was really up front, only a few and they were further out talking by the parked cars.

Diggy- it's not nothing that's gone piss me off right?

Veronica- I would hope you wouldn't get pissed.

Diggy- this don't got nothing to do wi-

Veronica- strictly us..nobody else.

Diggy- so what then?

Veronica- Basically, I went to my doctor to see what I needed to do in order for us to at least have one more child, and he told me that It would be best f-

Diggy- *stands up straight* wait wait, you giving me more?

Veronica- *looks at him* did you not want too?

Diggy- *laughs* what? No, I do. I would love that.

Veronica- okay, cool.

Diggy- what else did your doctor say?

Veronica- he was the one who told me I shouldn't have sex with anyone for a month or so, and that I needed to lean my way off birth control.

Diggy- well?

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