Chapter 126

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Veronica- I took them to Nessa's she called me when I was leaving the mall.

Diggy- Oh, I talked to my mom.

Veronica- about?

Diggy- us doing something this weekend.

Veronica- you didn't ask me to do anything this weekend.

Diggy- you told me you wabted to do something.

Veronica- *sits next to him* but you didn't ASK me anything..

Diggy-*laughs* this weekend, Veronica. I have some things planned for us, are you available to go out with your husband?

Veronica- *laughs* which is?

Diggy- is that a yes? If not, I'll find somebody else.

Veronica- *looks at him* really Diggy?

Diggy- *laughs* yes or no?

Veronica- yes..but what are we going to be doing?

Diggy- Thursday, we're leaving. So Wednesday, we have to pack their bags. Jr goes with Angie and Nessa, Nicole goes with my mom and dad. We come back sunday, and we'll get them Monday morning. Alright?

Veronica- wait where are we going? That's more then three days, three days make a weekend.

Diggy- so, we need more then 3 days.

Veronica- but that's more then 3 days away from my newborn baby.

Diggy- so what..look, you wanted me to take you out so let me do it my way.

Veronica- where are we going?

Diggy- nowhere out of the state, everything I have planned is here.

Veronica- so why can't they stay with us?

Diggy- I need alone time with you Veronica.

Veronica-*laughs* I guess..okay. Bu-

Diggy- we won't be staying here, I got us a nice suite downtown. Top floor, nice view..not telling you where just know it's nice, and you're going to like it.

Veronica- okay..*stands up*

Diggy- where are you going?

Veronica- I promised prodigy I would stop by, then I'm going over Paige's, then I'm going to get our kids.

Diggy- no you can see them later, *pulls me down* lay with me. You've been gone all day, chill.

Veronica- come with me.

Diggy- no.

Veronica- then I'll see you in a few hours.


Paige- J go upstairs like I said, and do not wake her up.

BabyJ- I won't..

Veronica- Nicole go ahead, go play before its time to go. I don't want to hear you say you didn't get a chance to play when its time to go.

Nicole- come on Jacob.

The both of them walked out.

Veronica- now..back to what we were talking about.

Paige- *laughs* i'm not cheating on him, I have no time on my hands to fuck any one other then him. Me and him barely get times ourselves.

Veronica- I don't see why, take advantage of his side of the family. Get them out of the house, spend alone time with him. I figured one of you were getting it from somebody else, but I guess not.

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