Chapter 16

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The next morning at 8:25 my mom woke me up and told me i had to get dressed. I totatly forgot about rehreasal. I stayed in the bed for a extra five minutes. I got up and showered brushed my teeth and used the bathroom. When i finished i got out and put on underclothes a tank i throw on joggimg pants with a v-neck and a scarf . I fixed my hair back into a messy bun i didnt put on any make up. I grabbed my phone and put on my griffeys that i got the other day with diggy. When i was ready i walked downstairs my mom was ready and just packing up her purse. She grabbed her keys.

Mom- ready?

Veronica- yeahh.

The two of us walked out and got in the car we stopped at dunkin donuts i got a tea she got coffee and we headed to to the building. Once we got there my mom took me backstage and introduced me to all the other models and where i was gonna sit to get my hair and make up done . The lady who was in charge of backstage told my mom i needed to get in line. It was shot tall tall short tall tall. So of course these ladies hovered over me. But i didnt worry about that. I waited until it was my turn. They had music going and you had to be on beat. And i had no rythm what so ever. So it was difficult. The lady told me to count one two one two all the way down. And i had to be on each count. It took me at least three times before i got the hang of it. We walked up and down at least ten times to make sure every girl was on key. It was lunch time when we were finished. I had to wait for my mom to be done so she could take me home. Once she dropped me off at home i made me a sandwhich and i unlocked my phone and saw a text from paige and a miss call from diggy. I clicked on paige message.

Paige- cant believe you didnt tell me you were gonna be in your moms show !

Veronica- im sorry ! But you had so much going on. I didnt want to say anything until i knew you were good

I hit send and called diggy. Not thinking he would answer. But he did on the fourth ring.

Diggy- hey.

Veronica- wassup?

Diggy- nothing. Calling to let you know i made it.

Veronica- you couldve text.

Diggy- but i wanted to call. Is that cool?

Veronica-*laughs* yeah i guess.

Diggy- plans for the day?

Veronica- yeahh. I just got home from rehersals, for the show.

Diggy- ohh. Fun?

Veronica- noo. I was the only newbie. And i was all off beat.

Diggy-*laughs* well its your first time.

Veronica- im so bored ! Because you left me.

Diggy- you couldnt do nothing no ways . You in trouble.

Veronica- sooo, nobody's here right now you could have came over.

Diggy-huh? Here i come

Diggy said to the person in the backround

Diggy- Veronica. i gotta go. I'l call you later on okay?

Veronica-*sigh* okay.

I hung up the phone and texted paige back

Paige- Fuck what's going on at home. I'm happy for you! And i wush you could have told me sooner !

Veronica- i'm sorry paige, you're still coming right?

I hit send and threw the way my leftovers. I didn't want to finish eating because i had to get off the phone with diggy, it was kind of a let down. But he'll be here next week. So i should be okay. I don't know, but i just enjoyed being with him..he made me feel like he wanted me to be around him and not for something. I went up to my room and i took a nap. I didn't pay any mind on texting back paige i just needed some rest. I woke up to my dad calling my name

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