Chapter 69

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Me and diggy went out for breakfast..a regular pancake and susage kind of breakfast down at the little shak by the beach.

Diggy- did you sleep okay? You kept flipping and turning over.

Veronica- oh yeah. I had a bad dream that's all..

Diggy- about what?

Veronica- we just had a argument..long story short I died.*messes with food*

Diggy- argued for what?

Veronica- something I don't want to bring up.


Veronica- I need to call your mom l or dad.

Diggy- my mom texted me..she said everything is fine.

Veronica- okay. What did you want to do today?

Diggy- did you want to take a tour..or chill out around here?

Veronica- how long is the tour?

Diggy- 3-4 hours.

Veronica- oh hell no. We can chill, and go look around on our own time.

Diggy-*laughs* in or out?

Veronica- I wanna get in the jacuzzi they have inside. You wanna come?

Diggy- yeah. Do they charge us now or on the bill?

Veronica-*shrugs* go ask. Ill meet you upstairs


We both stood up, he walked to the bar where our waitress was I went up to the room. Since I had worn my two peice the other day I put on my black one peice. I liked the way it made my boobs and butt looked. I wrapped a towel around me and sat on the bed waiting for diggy. I grabbed my phone seeing two messages one from Jacob the other from my mom.

Mom- Hey, just want to know if you made it.

Veronica- yes we got in yesterday around 10 here.

Then I opened Jacobs message and that's when diggy came in

Jacob- you make it?

Veronica- yeah. We got in yesterday around 10. Surprised you texted and asked.

Diggy- come on.

Veronica alright I'm coming hold on.

Diggy- I'll meet you down there.

Veronica- okay.

Then Jacob responded diggy had left out.

Jacob- why is that?

Veronica- because you made me mad the last time we talked.

He quickly responded I groaned

Jacob- please remind me how? Memory shady.

Veronica- you know how. I'll text you later.

I hit send not looking at his next respond I got up and went down to the Jacuzzi. Diggy was already in with his eyes closed. I dropped my towel and got in next to him he opened his eyes.

Diggy- who were you texting.

Veronica- that was my mom she wanted to know if we got here safely.

Diggy- oh. Spin called me earlier.


Diggy- I have tour.

Veronica- when?

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