Chapter 143

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Veronica- Jr no, now let's go.

Paige- you don't have to rush..their homework is all finished.

Nicole- told you mommy.

Veronica- I don't care, I'm ready to go.

Paige- wait..Veronica. We need to talk.

Veronica- no we don't.

Diggy- go on.

Veronica- Diggy no, I still have to cook. I didn't even want to ride with you.

Paige- oh come on Veronica, stop acting like that and just come and talk to me.

Prince- Paige just leave it alone, it's not the time for this.

Paige- no it's not, it's the perfect time for this. I'm sick of this and her, I haven't done anything wrong for her not to call me her best friend anymore.

Veronica- *laughs* you're joking right?

Diggy- Nicole, take jr back upstairs.

Nicole- okay.

She grabbed his hand and helped him walk to and upstairs.

Paige- I'm so serious.

Veronica- you don't even fucking deserve that title anymore. You're not a good friend, what so ever.

Paige- please tell me how?

Veronica- I've always been there for you, always. You're never there for me, never.

Paige- since when have I not been there? I need specific details.

Veronica- *rolls eyes* Diggy I just want to go home, can we go home? Please?

Paige- no because you're bullshit, full of it. I'm done kissing your ass Veronica, I'm done with you.

Veronica- you can't be done with me if I've already been done with you.

Paige- so get your kids and get the fuck out my house.

Veronica- you're kicking us out now? Point exactly.

Paige- *stands* no I'm not kicking them out I'm kicking you out because I'm sick of your shit. No matter what you always find something to complain about, just shut the fuck up sometimes and enjoy life damn.

Veronica- that is not true! What are you talking about!

Paige- I'm not doing this because I swear I'm going to punch you, you're pissing me off.

Veronica- *stands up* you're not going to punch me because if you do I'm going to hit you back. I don't fucking care if this is your house, your not shit and you know it.

Diggy- *stands* alright, Veronica let's go.

Paige- yeah please go.

Veronica- whatever, fuck you Paige. I'll be in the car.

I pushes passed Diggy going out into the car. I slammed the door and waited for what seemed like hours for Diggy, and the kids to come out. When we all got home I made dinner, but decided not to eat. Instead you called yourself trying to go to bed early, but Diggy didn't let that happen.

Diggy- why would you do that?

Veronica- leave me alone, I'm going to bed.

Diggy- don't pissed at me, I didn't do anything.

Veronica- *flips over faces him* you did! You're the one who dragged me out there, that's bullshit. She wants to fight me, that's even more bullshit. Fucking bitch man, and you're a dick as well.

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