Chapter 46

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They actually woke us up at three in thee fucking morning. I was so irritated i didn't talk to anyone. I left my hair in a messy bun along with my sweats and a tank top i brushed my teeth and packed my stuff up i threw on diggy's hoodie and waited on the bus for everyone. We pulled off at four i couldn't go back to sleep so i went up front to grab me something to drink everyone was asleep..well i thought Jacob was the only one up watching tv so i sat next to him.

Jacob- shouldn't you be sleep?

Veronica- i can't go back to sleep.

Jacob- you weren't talking to anyone, you were the first on the bus.

Veronica- because it was three in the fucking morning,

Jacob-*laughs* shh, before you wake everyone up.

Veronica- why aren't you sleep?

Jacob- same as you..

Veronica- oh..

I ended up laying my head on his lap and falling alseep her put the blanket over my legs and dozed off too i guess. I forgot what postion i was in and who i was laying on because when i woke up it was Bahja loosing her fucking mind i got up and Jacob woke up too.

Veronica- your girl is going off.

Jacob- why?

Veronica- *shrugs* i'm just as clueless as you are.

I went into the room didn't see diggy and brushed my teeth i came back out and she was now yelling at Jacob.

Jacob- what are you yelling at 11 in the morning for?

Bahja- why'd you have that tramp on your lap for !

Veronica- prodigy is she talking about me?

Bahja- yes i'm talking about your ass ! The fuck you laying on his lap for?

Veronica- bitch i was sleeping the fuck you thought i was doing..something you ain't done yet?

All the guys started coughing and laughing i rolled my eyes.

Veronica- you need to calm the fuck down and stop waking up the whole damn bus. It ain't that big of a deal.

Ray- thank you, you need to chill. Or talk to Jacob silently in the room.

Prince- that shit ain't gone work..them walls thin..

Roc- thicker then hotel rooms we heard you and paige the other night.

Paige- oh my gosh shut up no you didn't!

Veronica-*laughs* oh shit..

Bahja- no i'm not going to chill because if i was sleeping on Diggy's lap -

Veronica- i would've beat the shit out of you, but yo ass know not to fucking play me like that.

Diggy- and i wouldn't let you sleep on my lap..

Veronica- damn chill the fuck out. And go get laid or something.

Jacob- veronica chill.

Veronica- no disrespect to you Jacob but this bitch outta her damn mind trynna call me out.

Twist-Y'all done? A nigga still tired.

Ray- amen.

Prince- hallejuiah..

Veronica- nothing has been started to be done with..that shit she talking about is dissmissed.

bahja- ugh! I can't stand her.

She stormed out.

Veronica- its okay pepto!

Another Diggy Simmons Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora