Chapter 18

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Today was the day. The day I've got to show my mom, and other agents that I can walk, I can wear the clothes that I am given, I can show that I do have all the confidence, that I am comfortable in my body, and my skin.. Today i also get to see diggy, i havent exactly been answering his calls amd texts just because i didnt want to tell him that i took aaron back. Paige unfortunately couldnt make it. Shes going to meet her sister for the first time. I was excited for her, but then again had to meet the women her dad was having a afair on with her mom. I showered and threw on sweats. I washed my hair and blow dryed it. I grabbed my tims and put them on. My dad was picking up my other outfit for after i model and dropping it off. He decided to stay the whole time and just make up for it the next day. I grabbed my phone and walked downstair to see my mom putting her shoes on. We said bye to dad and drove off to the area. We practied three times before diggy got there with spin. We did it all together then my mom the host would come out and introduce diggy while everyone was still walking but in different outfits . When diggy finished my mom said there was gonna be anothrr performance right after diggy but they are not here now. she didnt tell us who it was so we all was clueless. After diggy rehearsed he found me over by the snack bar.

Diggy- Veronica.

He said as grabbing a water bottle. I faced him and tried my hardest to smile.

Veronica- heey...diggy.

I gave him a hug.

Diggy- what's up? Considering the fact that i havent heard from you.

Veronica- umm. Nothing just the usual.

I looked down and picked at the cracker i had.

Diggy- your lying. May i have the truth now?

Veronica-*sighs* i got back with aaron.

Diggy- Cool.

Veronica-*shrugs* yeah.

Diggy- thats why you didnt respond to none of my texts, calls...?

Veronica- yeaahh..

Diggy- if you would have answered i would have told you i met somebody.

Veronica- *i straightend up . Stood straighter then before i felt my eye color change as my mood change* seriously...?

Diggy- yeaah. . Her name is Katlyn.

(A/N Pronouced Kate-Lin)

Veronica- do i get to meet her?

Diggy- yeah. Not tonight though. Tomorrow. Twist having a party in New York.

Veronica-oohh..but i wasnt invited so y'know. I dont think ill be coming

Diggy- he told me tell some people . He really just said tell some people AND paige and Veronica.

Veronica-*laughs* alright...but im suppose to be your bestfriend. And you didmt tell me about her. How long yall been talking..?

Diggy- 4 months . I just got the guts to ask her.

Veronica- 4 months diggy?

Diggy- yep.

Veronica- *punches his arm * why didnt you tell me ?!

Diggy- would you keeo it down..and that hurt .

Veronica- you dipshit. You could have told me.

Diggy-*laughs* i wasnt sure where it was going.

Veronica- mmmhhhhmm. Whatever.

My mom walked over.

Mom- Veronica, they've got lunch backstage. Go eat then get ready.

Veronica- rude mom.

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