Chapter 102

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Nicole- mommy ! Mommy!

Veronica-me huh? Yes sweetie?

Nicole- wake up daddy's not here.

Veronica- ugh.. but mommy's tired.

Nicole- and I'm scared! I want to see Lizbeth again.

Veronica- *sighs sits up * I don't know, maybe you'll go see grandma today.

Nicole- daddy mommy?

Veronica- yes.

Nicole- after we go see Lizbeth. I want a bath.

Veronica- fine let's go get ready for today. Go pick out some clothes and I'll run your water.

Nicole- I picked clothes out.

Veronica- go brush your teeth

Nicole- I did mommy.

Veronica- go sit on the potty.

Nicole- I d- ugh okay.

She walked out of the room, so I decided to call diggy. It took him a while to answer but he eventually did.

Diggy- hey, you're up?

Veronica- yeah.. Where are you?

Diggy- I had to take care of a few things but I'm on my way back now.

Veronica- okay.

Diggy- is Nicole up?

Veronica- of course. She's the reason I'm up, she didn't see you this morning so she woke me up instead.

Diggy- *laughs* what is she doing now?

Veronica- I'm about to give her a bath, so she's sitting on the toilet while I get her water ready.

Diggy- alright, I'll be there in a minute.

Veronica- ok bye.

I hung up the phone and went into the bathroom. Nicole was doing like I told her so I ran her bath water added bubbles, and some toys. After she peed I congratulated her took the rest of her clothes off and helped her into the tub. I let her soak/play with her toys for fifteen before washing her up and washing her hair. Once I was done I wrapped her in a towel let the water go down and took her to my room. I sat her on the bed while I went to get her clothes. After I dressed her I let her go play while I got ready, after taking a quick shower. Once I blow dried my hair I went to find Nicole, why was sitting on diggys lap playing on his phone.

Veronica- Nicole come here so I can do your hair.

Nicole- I don't want you to blow dry it. It hurts when you do it.

Veronica- I won't ill go slow.

Nicole- fine.

She ran off to the bathroom, diggy stood up.

Diggy- she told me what she wants for her birthday.

Veronica- which is? I don't even know what I'm going to do for her birthday.

Diggy- she wants a sister.

I started laughing and shook my head, but stopped when I saw he was serious.

Veronica- you're joking right?

Diggy- no.

Veronica- diggy, I don't know. There's Jalen and Lizbeth who was born less then 72 hours ago.

Diggy- yeah, but I agree with Nicole.

Veronica- *rolls eyes* of course you do.

Diggy- that's not why I want it.

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