Chapter 161

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Veronica- mama why didn't you tell me you planned on hiring us?

Mom- I was busy sweetie, like I am now so please just go settle in or something.

Veronica- can you just take a break to talk to me?

Mom- Veronica, no. I'm sorry I can't afford to get off schedule anymore than what I already am. I don't need you guys until tomorrow so I'll see you tomorrow.

Veronica- you're running around like a mad man, and you don't need our help today? My team isn't here to just sit on their ass while you're stressing.

Mom- Veronica! Déjame terminar lo que estoy haciendo bien? You're working for me, a designer not your mother. You can not ignore what I say. That is a bad review for Kimora, as well as you and your team. I said I don't need you three today so go enjoy the sun while it's there..sì?

Veronica- *sighs* okay, mama.

I grabbed my purse and walked away from the conference room she was in. I got on the elevator and went back to my room. I didn't unpack, and I haven't called Diggy to let him know that we had landed safely. I was too caught up in trying to make sure my mama was getting things done. I didn't mean to make it as if I was trying to hold her hand throughout this week, I was just trying to get her to let us help. Once I was settled in, I picked up my phone to call Diggy. When he answered, I laid down on the couch.

Diggy- let me call you right back.

Veronica- what, why?

Diggy- something is wrong with my phone.

Veronica- what?

Diggy- my phone say it's damn near 3 o'clock. But I know for sure my wife didn't get in at 10:30 and decide to call 7 hours later?

Veronica- it hasn't been 7 hours Diggy, and I didn't call because I was working, well trying too. By the time we caught our taxi out here, it was almost 2..bags were lost and we had important things in them so we couldn't just allow them to be lost.

Diggy- I don't like you getting on a plane and not hearing anything from you when you've landed.

Veronica- I wouldn't purposely not call you.

Diggy- why did you say you were trying to work? What did that mean?

Veronica- my mom wouldn't allow us to help her today.

Diggy- I thought she asked you to come so you could help?

Veronica- exactly, but she doesn't want us to help her today because she basically didn't expect us to come until tomorrow.

Diggy- so what are you doing right now?

Veronica- nothing..I'm just in my room.

Diggy- well why don't you go to the beach or whatever so you can come back when you're supposed too?

Veronica- no, I'm not gonna go out there when I'm supposed to be working. I wouldn't mind if all this shit was finished, but it's not.

Diggy- alright, whatever I was just trynna give you something to do.

Veronica- what are you doing? Do you have Nicole and Jr?

Diggy- no, I'm standing outside Nicole's school. She hasn't came out yet.

Veronica- as in everyone else is there and she isn't?

Diggy- no, it's only 2:45. 15 minutes right?

Veronica- oh okay, I was just making sure.

Diggy- I got this alright? I've gotten her before.

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