Chapter 149

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Veronica- Daniel stop it, it wasn't anything but fucking lunch.

Diggy- I don't fucking care. You're always on my head about bitches you don't even know.

Veronica- okay, but you're flipping out like I went back to his place and let the nigga slide in me. Just because I'm on your head it don't mean get on mines for no damn reason.

Diggy- I never fucked or tried to fuck anyone else, the last couple of years.

Veronica- so you're saying I have? Are you fucking kidding me?

Diggy- your ass is being buddy buddy with a nigga who wants to fuck you. You can't say that he doesn't because he has tried and his ass came close. The bitch saw you naked, I don't like that shit. I damn sure don't think it's okay for y'all to be friends.

Veronica- it wasn't a date, if anything I would call it a business meeting..

Diggy- a business meeting? So you dressing this nigga too?

Veronica- the meeting with Nicole's teacher went better, by the way. Just in case you were curious about how it went.

Diggy- I'm not fucking around with you Veronica.

Veronica- what the hell do you want me to say?

Diggy- there were plenty other people you could've chose to fucking design but you chose him. Really?

Veronica- He wasn't my first choice though! I had picked three other people. The three people I picked Kimora said would be more fucking difficult since I had no clue as to who they were. She said Louis, Char and I would do way fucking better if we designed Jacob's outfits for his video.

Diggy- because you know him like the back of your hand right?

Veronica- I don't know him like the back of my hand, Diggy. I know you like the back of my hand..Jacob and I aren't that damn close anymore.

Diggy- yes after you almost got dicked down by the nigga.

Veronica- stop saying that shit to me! You're making me upset, and I'm going to hang up and I swear I won't talk to you until you come back.

Diggy- shut up, no you won't.

Veronica- yes I will, I'm not fucking around with you either. If I'm working with him I'm never going to be alone with his ass. It's strictly fucking business. I didn't fucking personally pick him. Now if you're really upset with me you can call your aunt and tell her that I almost got "dicked" down by him and that I shouldn't be working with him.

Diggy- you know I'm not going to tell her that shit.

Veronica- okay so stop fucking arguing with me and be fucking happy your wife is making her own damn money and isn't depended on your big head ass.

Diggy- Veronica, I don't give a damn if you're depended on me.

Veronica- but I do, and so does everyone else. I wasn't raised to be some woman who sits on her ass while my nigga is out there doing shit on his own.

Diggy- but you act like what I do is going to have us struggling to make ends meet. I make more then enough to take care of my damn family.

Veronica- so what. I like my fucking job, you aren't going to tell me who I can and can't work with just like I can't tell you who to fucking work with.

Diggy- that's bullshit but alright, fuck it then.

Veronica- what's bullshit? As many exes you have fucking worked with? Are you fucking kidding me? Even after you knocking up Bahja yo ass still went on tour with the bitch. I say straight up that you can't make money by working with them. Yeah I'll say I don't like the fact that you'll be around they asses. That's not fucking bullshit, it's the fucking truth.

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