Chapter 41

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The commander and his party lay in ambush for a day in front of the old concubine's tomb, but of course they didn't find anyone. Ling Tian burned some paper money in a corner of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and considered it a filial piety for the original owner, and had no intention of leaving the city at all.

The Governor of Yanjing and the Commander of the Army and Horses of the Five Cities returned empty-handed. The old emperor was so furious that he broke down on the spot, "Useless trash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed violently. Now his body is getting worse day by day, and he is worried that he will not live to the day when the plan is completed, so his temper has become much more irritable.

"Your Majesty, calm down." "Your servant owes you the grace of God!" The Governor of

Yanjing and the Commander of the Army and Horses of the Five Cities prostrated themselves on the ground, not even daring to lift their heads.

The great eunuch Hu Sheng hurried forward to appease, and by the way, he poured tea that can clear away heat and reduce dryness, "Your Majesty, the dragon's body is important." The

old emperor coughed for a long time, drank tea to calm down, and then stroked the Yanjing Mansion mercilessly. Yin's Wusha slapped the commander of the five-city soldiers and horses, and the entire five-city soldiers and horses were fined for half a year, and ordered to continue the investigation.

This is because the Commander is his confidant, but that rubbish sentence is enough to make the Commander depressed for a long time. It's not easy to be the emperor's confidant. Once the big boss decides that you are useless, someone to replace you will appear soon.

Therefore, the commander did not dare to take a break even with the club wound on his back. Not only did he have to continue to lay a net to catch people, but he also had to prevent the deputy commander from grabbing his position.

The second-in-command got fed up with the rest of the action, and Ling Tian asked Murong Bai to recruit him on the second day after the conflict broke out between the two sides.

The Ninth Prince invited him personally, and the deputy commander planned to meet him no matter what he thought.

Before that, Ling Tian found another person.

"Who?" Just as Wang An sat up, a sharp sword with a cold light came across his neck, and a man in black appeared before him without a sound, revealing only a pair of deep black pupils.

King Anton opened his mouth, and the sword moved a little closer. The sharp edge of the sword made his neck sting, and the man in black said, "My lord, don't shout, everyone in your yard has been knocked unconscious. "

"What do you want?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to kill the prince today, or you won't live until you open your eyes."

King Anton was relieved when he heard the first half of the sentence, but then heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the second half. Angry and scared again, because what the man in black said was true, the other party wanted his life, and he had died just now.

In fact, Ling Tian also took advantage of the loophole. If he was on the opponent's territory, he thought it would not be so easy to get close to King Anton.

"My lord, does the emperor know why the emperor wants you to stay in the capital?"

King Anton went to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, and just attended the Queen Mother's birthday. He had been stranded in the capital for half a year.


"The magistrates of Yandu, Moling, Xuyi and other counties, together with the prefect of Dongyang County, stole granaries privately and exchanged old grain with sand and gravel for new grain. When floods hit the southeast, tens of thousands of people were starved to death... Dongyang County belongs to the prince. Under the rule, the prince will not say that he does not know, right?"

"What?" King Anton was taken aback, "Ben, this king really does not know."

"But this account book does not say so." Ling Tian He took out an account book and threw it on King Anton, "Half of the silver taels they were greedy for ink went into the prince's pocket."

King Anton also ignored the sharp sword under his neck, grabbed the account book and opened it, The more you look at it, the more surprised you become, and the more you look at it, the darker your face becomes. He did take the money that his subordinates filially respected, but he did not know about the corruption of ink.

But if you say it now, who will believe it?

King Anton grasped the booklet in his hand, "Where did this account book come from?"

Ling Tian deliberately withdrew it in front of him, "It doesn't matter where the account book came from, the key is that the emperor has long wanted to clean up the four kings with different surnames. When I was questioned here, the spies responsible for the investigation might already be on their way back." The

emperor wanted to clean up the four kings with different surnames, and King An Dong certainly believed that Dingnan Palace, which had settled in Yanjing for many years, was a good example. Without the emperor's handwriting, the Dingnan Palace would not have collapsed like this. At the beginning of the year, a decree was issued to punish Dingnan King. Not long after, the son of Dingnan Prince became a wanted criminal again. King Anton didn't think it would be such a coincidence.

"If your lord needs help, my master may be able to help you."

"Who is your master?"

"Tomorrow at noon, Drunken Immortal Tower." The man in black said mysteriously downstairs, and jumped out of the window, Joining the other men in black in the courtyard, they quickly disappeared into the night.

King An Dong was surprised to see so many men in black, all of whom were as good as the guards of the Forbidden Palace. Who is the master of these men in black, King Lu, King Jing, or King Duan?

But he never thought that this powerful and mysterious mastermind behind the scenes would be the nameless Ninth Prince?

Murong Bai took a sip of the fragrant tea and smiled slightly, "Your Highness seems surprised?"

He lowered his eyes and leisurely shook his teacup, "Who said that the blood of a foreign race cannot inherit the great lineage? It must be very interesting to see elder Ge and the courtiers being unwilling and forced to submit to me."

King An Dong glanced at the row of black-clothed guards behind him, feeling numbness in his back. The posture of the Ninth Prince really doesn't look like a joke, and no prince would dare to make such a joke!

"My lord, sit down, what are you doing standing?"

King Anton sat down according to his words, and said in a deliberate tone, "The man in black said last night that the Ninth Prince can help his subordinates?

" Everything has changed.

"It's a trivial matter, as long as the prince speaks, this prince will send people to intercept and kill those spies." Murong Bai waved his hand casually, feeling like he was joking.

"..." King Anton was stunned, and seemed to grasp the point. "The Ninth Prince seems to know the identity of the spy very well?

" It's a little closer here, with a half smile on Qingjun's face, "I also know about the hidden stakes of the prince in the palace."

He casually named a few names, all of which are the most important eyeliner of King Anton, so it's easy to ignore them. The kind that dare to enable.

To say that the identity of the original owner is really useful, the memory of the two lifetimes, how many things the emperor has in his hands, Ling Tian only has a lot more than him.

King Anton's heart is really turbulent now, the other party even knows this kind of secret, how many people have they gathered in private? How big is the power behind it? When the other party really succeeds, will he still think that the Ninth Prince is joking?

King Anton lowered his eyelids, but he didn't dare to agree easily, because once he agreed, he would be on the same boat as the other party.

Before leaving, the Ninth Prince reminded with a smile, "My lord, you'd better hurry up, after all, the spies from the palace are going to Beijing soon, and it's only a few days away."

Hearing this tone, he even knew the route of the spies back to Beijing, and Most likely there is also an intelligence network.

King Anton took a deep breath, and when he went downstairs, he ran into Li Zheng, the deputy commander of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division who had been invited.

The two passed by each other without expressing anything, but the shock in their hearts was the same——

Even King Anton/Deputy Commander has joined the Ninth Prince? !

Is it too late for him to pretend to be stupid when he bumps into this secret, and will he be silenced?

It just so happened that Lu Si, played by Lu Yi, was standing at the stairs to meet people, as if he didn't notice anything wrong, he greeted with a smile, "Commander Li is here? Please come upstairs."

Li Zheng took a deep breath and went up with a nervous mood. upstairs. And King Anton went back and thought about it for a day and a night, and soon he took refuge in the Ninth Prince, and to show his sincerity, he also contributed most of his assets in the capital.

And with Li Zheng's help, Ling Tian went out of the city to intercept and kill the spies very smoothly. Those people had all stayed under the original owner's hands, and he was very clear about their behavior habits and martial arts methods.

Li Zheng stood at the gate of the city, watching Ling Yi and his party who came back in disguise, even though he didn't see anything, he could still smell the blood on their bodies.

"Who?" At the

critical moment, the commander suddenly appeared, and his cronies saw Ling Tian and the others being let go by Li Zheng, and deliberately found fault and questioned them.

Li Zheng was startled, and unconsciously clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand, fearing that Ling Yi and the others would violently kill people, so he could only cooperate to silence them. Of course, at the mouth of Commander Mie, the Ninth Prince gave him a condition that he could not refuse. For revenge and future, he had no choice but to fight.

Ling Tian bowed his waist and deliberately smiled obsequiously, "My lord, we are pig dealers nearby, and we came to the city to deliver pigs."

They had already disguised themselves, wearing short jackets that were patched up, and they were in groups of two. Using bamboo poles to lug fat pigs into the city to be slaughtered is to cover up the bloody smell after the killing.

The commander and his cronies held their noses, completely oblivious to the fact that the dirty and smelly farmer in front of him was the "wild species" they were searching for.

Before the commander could speak, the thief under him impatiently said, "Go, go, don't block the city gate, it stinks!"

"Yes, yes." Ling Tian and the others nodded and bowed, carrying the bamboo pole The fat pig, with feet like the wind, quickly disappeared at the intersection of the street.

The commander glanced at Li Zheng, "Did you find any abnormalities?"

Li Zheng bowed his head respectfully, "The humble officer has been here all day, and I haven't found any abnormalities."

Neither of them noticed. The "abnormality" they were looking for just now He ran away grandiosely with the fat pig. It's also because Ling Tian's disguise is too good, Li Zheng has not discovered that Ling Yi, the secret guard of the Ninth Prince, is the former son of Prince Dingnan.

Dingnan Palace.

"How is it? Has the emperor approved the booklet for the canonization of the son?" asked Yu with concern.

Fu Yu was a little impatient, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

He couldn't go out, and it was already the limit to ask someone to hand over a booklet, but there was no news for so long...

Fu Yu pondered for a while, "Maybe the emperor You think it's inconvenient for us now, and we won't hear any news until after we're filial piety?"

Hearing this, Fu Mingyu, who looked expectant next to him, lowered his head in disappointment.

Mrs. Yu was also very disappointed, "What should I do then? The house is already stretched..."

"Can't you secretly sell some small items, don't you women have a lot of jewelry? Just sell one or two pieces to make it through the days Already ."

As for the antiques, calligraphy and paintings, they have already been squandered by him as a gift or pawn sale.

For wealthy families like them, it is impossible to rely on selling servants to collect expenses. Once or twice is fine, but if there are too many times, rumors about the ruins of the palace will spread wildly outside. Although Fu Yu is not stingy, he still wants to save face. Besides, his reputation is so bad that the emperor may issue another order...

Zhong Xianya originally wanted to survive the three-year filial piety period before reconciling, but she didn't expect Mrs. Yu to take the account book and reconcile her. The key, I want to give her the treasure of the palace!

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