Chapter 94

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Hong Guihua was startled, "What debt collector, second daughter-in-law, if you can't speak, don't speak!"

Although she said so, the expression on her face became unnatural. Turning his head to look at his old man, he saw the same suspicion on his face, obviously he listened to the words of his second wife.

Ling Tian looked amused, because he understood that once the seeds of doubt were planted, they would start to take root and sprout, and Shi Fuyu's good days were coming to an end.

But doubts are doubts, Shi Laogen and Hong Guihua have not stopped asking for money. After another quarrel, the first room and the second room finally gave it reluctantly. But at the same time as giving the money, it also means that the parents have done such a great job, so don't ask them for anything in the future!

As for who to look for, isn't it Shi Fuyu and the third child they dote on!

For this reason, the third daughter-in-law came back from the health center to rest in bed, and Hong Guihua was always taking care of her. But Hong Guihua has to wash, cook, take care of the house, and serve the sick by herself, so she is simply too busy.

As for the third daughter-in-law's natal family, her mother came to take care of her daughter for a day, but she used the excuse that she wanted to take care of her grandson, and left without looking back the next day regardless of Hong Guihua's persuasion.

Hong Osmanthus is getting old, and she broke her leg some time ago. After a long time, she also became full of resentment in serving her. After Shi Laosan once again blamed her for not preparing a urinal for his daughter-in-law in time, and made her pee on the bed, he broke out completely.

"Your paralyzed daughter-in-law, you take care of yourself, I won't take care of you anymore!"

Yes, Mrs. Shi San is paralyzed. Originally, she just smashed her head and wouldn't be like this. on huge debts. So Mrs. Shi San had a high fever for three days and three nights in the health center. Although her life was saved, she couldn't move half of her body.

Hong Guihua kept her word, and since then she has never cared about the third daughter-in-law. Even when Shi Fuyu called her, she hid in the house and pretended not to hear.

Hong Guihua has mixed feelings about Shi Fuyu now. It can be said that in this family, she is the person most influenced by Shi Fuyu, not even Mrs. Shi San.

Because Mrs. Shi San couldn't bring up two children by herself, Shi Fuyu was often carried by her, and was carried back to her mother when she was drinking milk at most. In addition, Mrs. Shi San went off to the ground after her two children gave up breastfeeding when they were over one year old. She took care of the two children alone, and spent more time with Shi Fuyu.

Seeing Shi Fuyu now, she would still involuntarily treat Shi Fuyu well, but when she turned her head and sobered up, she began to regret it again. Hong Osmanthus has no culture, she doesn't know how weird her repeated appearance is, she just thinks that she has been reluctant to part with her grandparents for many years.

But she also discovered that it would be much better if she didn't face Shi Fuyu, so whenever Shi Fuyu came to her for something, she subconsciously hid.

Mrs. Shi's two sisters-in-law were happy to hear what happened to Shi Fuyu. Originally, Shi Fuyu was a nine-year-old girl, and she should have learned to do housework a long time ago. When they were her age, they not only had to do all the housework, but also helped to take care of their younger siblings. It's not like Shi Fuyu, who grew up spoiled by Hong Osmanthus, and can't even wash his own clothes!

They came back exhaustedly, and couldn't help but sneer every time they saw Shi Fuyu. Because they were afraid that the matter of borrowing grain for business would be exposed, they had to collect money together with the old house, bought grain as soon as possible and returned it, and Shi Laosan didn't pay a penny. Of course they were upset to see Shi Fuyu, the culprit, at ease.

You must know that in order to make money, what they do now is full of work points. Many men in the village do not work so hard. Besides Jianguo, the eldest son Jianjun and the second son Weidong also went to the field, and the other two young ones also helped the production team herd cattle, and they also cut firewood and carried water. Why did Shi Fuyu only serve her mother? Want mother-in-law to help?

Shi Fuyu didn't know anything, and was afraid of being dirty and tired. After Hong Guihua went on strike, she staggered to serve her mother for a few days, and couldn't help but run out because of her playfulness.

Shi Laosan came home and saw the messy house and his wife paralyzed in feces and urine. He couldn't help running to find his mother to quarrel.

He thought that if he hit Shi Fuyu, his mother would always compromise. Unexpectedly, Hong Guihua didn't pay any attention to the movement, as if the only granddaughter had fallen out of favor with her.

Shi Laosan had no choice but to force Shi Fuyu to serve her mother.

Shi Fuyu was beaten, restrained for a few days, and soon reverted to his old ways. Shi Laosan was tortured to the point of exhaustion in this kind of life.

What annoyed him even more was Fugui. He didn't know when he learned the virtues of those rascals outside. The well-behaved and sensible children did nothing all day long, but they knew how to steal chickens and dogs in the village, making people hate them.

Shi Laosan wanted to teach him a lesson, and he would run away while yelling that his family became like this because they doted on Shi Fuyu, a dead star, and he was right!

In fact, the saddest person in this family is the third daughter-in-law. She never dreamed that she would be paralyzed on the bed, and what made her feel even more uncomfortable was her pair of children.

It's understandable for Fugui to be like this. She pushed the child to take the blame with her own hands, and the other party blamed her for admitting it. But what about Shi Fuyu? At the beginning, she was wholeheartedly treating her well, but the child thought she was dirty and stinky, and in the end he would rather be slapped by Shi Laosan than get close to her!

In the end, it was Shi Laosan who couldn't bear it anymore. He was a big man, and he had to drag his tired body to wash and scrub his wife when he came back from the field, but no matter how much he washed, his house and bed would always stink!

Moreover, after being paralyzed on the bed for a long time, Mrs. Shi's temper became weird. Not only did she start to swear like Hong Guihua, but occasionally Shi Laosan would feed her, and when she was in a bad mood, she would overturn her job with her active hand!

Finally one day, Shi Laosan, who couldn't bear it any longer, broke open the lock of Ling Tian's utility room, threw his wife in, and let her lie on the door to fend for herself.

Mrs. Shi San was crying and cursing in the utility room, and everyone in the yard heard it, but no one came out to care. Shi Fuyu hid in her room and tried her best to pretend that she didn't hear anything. Before dawn the next day, she sneaked into the house of her former little sister, and refused to leave at lunch time with the host's eyes on her.

In the end, Fugui relented and gave his own mother some sweet potatoes that he secretly baked outside, but even so, Mrs. Shi San couldn't hold on for long. Four days later, Mrs. Shi San died in pain and despair...

Such cases are not uncommon in rural areas, and the legally illiterate villagers do not think that Mrs. Shi killed his wife. If you pay ten yuan, the matter is over.

After the third sister-in-law Shi disappeared, the third son Shi quickly married a new wife, who was a widow who dragged her children along.

Now Shi Fuyu was dumbfounded, because Shi Laosan asked her to give up the house. The other party's two sons and Fugui would live in it, and she and the widow's daughter lived in the utility room where her mother lived before her death.

In fact, that utility room belonged to Ling Tian, ​​but after Ling Tian learned the truth about Mrs. Shi San's death, he felt disgusted when he looked at that room. Shi Laosan can take it if he wants, anyway, he will not be the one who will get retribution in the future.

Shi Fuyu disagreed and made troubles, but the only thing that greeted her was her father's slap. In fact, Shi Laosan also feels chills seeing Shi Fuyu now. Although he made the decision to let his wife fend for herself, he had served her with all his heart and soul for more than two years.

As for Shi Fuyu, he didn't even go in to take a look when he heard his mother died. You must know that Fugui, as the one who was wronged, even went in to deliver food to his mother!

At this time, Shi Laosan still did not forget to stand on the moral high ground and criticize his daughter, as if pushing the fault on Shi Fuyu would alleviate his crimes.

Shi Fuyu went to discuss with Fugui, Fugui sneered and said, "Isn't this what you want? You don't want your father to marry a stepmother, so why didn't you take good care of your own mother?"

Shi Fuyu became furious, "You just Why don't you take care of me?"

Fugui looked away in embarrassment, and said in a self-defeating manner, "I didn't take care of you, so now that Dad wants to marry a stepmother, I have no reason to object!"

"You—" Shi Fuyu Stamping her feet angrily, "Of course you don't object, it's not you who occupied the room!"

Fugui didn't want to argue with her, so he left directly.

It is said that once you have a stepmother, you will have a stepdad. Fugui is a boy, and he looks like a fearless rascal in front of Shi Laosan. Even if the stepmother wants to deduct his rations, he can get it outside. food.

But Shi Fuyu can't do it. She has a bad reputation in the village. Ever since Sansao Shi passed away, everyone believed that she was a "sorrow star", and they couldn't hide from her.

At the beginning, the stepmother didn't dare to abuse her new husband's biological child, but when she wronged Shi Fuyu for the first time, and Shi Laosan opened her eyes and closed her eyes, her courage gradually grew, and in the end it was almost blatant To skimp on abuse.

Shi Fuyu filed a complaint with her father, and went to find her grandfather and grandmother. But Hong Osmanthus had long been freed from the influence of her luck, and she was upset when she saw her, so of course he didn't care about her.

What made Ling Tian laugh was that Shi Fuyu begged him, "Uncle, you are not married and have no children. I will be your daughter. I will take good care of you when you get old!"

Ling Tian He sneered coldly, "You don't even take care of your own mother, and I still expect you to take care of me? When you get my property, I'm afraid it will be faster to kill me!"

Shi Fuyu blushed, and argued, "I was young and ignorant at that time, but now I have changed."

"Oh, it's changed? No matter what, the third child has brought you up anyway, so why don't you just say you don't recognize it?" This is called changing it?

"No, my dad has changed, he now knows that he prefers that old witch Li Chunmei—" Shi Fuyu eagerly wanted to explain.

"Okay, I didn't say this to hear you complain about how badly your father and stepmother treat you." Ling Tian raised his hand to stop him, and then said seriously, "Shi Fuyu, do you know why you ended up betraying your relatives? ?"

"Why?" Shi Fuyu was taken aback.

"Because you are a white-eyed wolf. You only know how to take and never get anything in return. Your mother treats you well, your grandma treats you well, what did you give them? Your mother was killed by you, your grandma because of I'm partial to you, every son hates her. It's ridiculous that you still think she doesn't care about you, have you ever cared about her?"

"Go away, don't appear in front of me in the future, everything you endure now is what you deserve!"

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