Chapter 46

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"Li Zheng, what are you doing, the emperor trusted you to appoint you as the commander, and even you want to betray the emperor?" The leader led two thousand dragon guards, blocking the gate of the palace.

Li Zheng's complexion didn't change, and he said firmly, "I was originally a member of His Royal Highness Jian!" Back then,

his family was in decline, and his elder sister voluntarily entered the palace as a palace maid for the sake of the family's livelihood, but was unfortunately killed by the eunuch Hu Sheng. The adopted son took a fancy to. Hu Sheng's adoptive son forced her to be his opponent, and tortured her to death...

That adopted son was the one serving the prince!

He thought that there was no chance of revenge, but the Ninth Prince came to him and promised to hand over the eunuch father and son to him after death. May I ask why he refused?

"Then give it a try today!"

The leader of the Dragon Guards was highly skilled in martial arts, he forced Li Zheng back with a single strike, then turned his head to receive the strike of the Ninth Prince, shook the opponent away with his backhand, and drew a sword arc with his internal force. Murong Bai was a step slower in reacting, the dark purple sleeves were cut by the sharp blade, and blood splattered immediately...

"Your Highness—" Li Zheng yelled, and flew over to protect him.

Murong Bai covered his arms and looked down, "It's okay."

The leader of the Dragon Guard stood guard and said proudly, "You are not my opponent at all, so don't waste your efforts!" The

gate of the palace is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Dragon Guards are all well-equipped elites, who can fight three against one. King Jian and Li Zheng don't even think about getting in with this amount of manpower.

Just at this time, the stone road on the ground suddenly vibrated violently, the sound of horseshoes hitting the ground, and the sound of clashing gold and armor combined into a trembling force. Not to mention that this team is moving very fast, it seems that they will cross the street in a blink of an eye——

The leader's face changed suddenly, and there was such a big momentum before he got close, how many people came from the other party?

Ling Tian didn't keep them waiting, riding a war horse, wearing silver armor, appeared at the end of the street like a god descending, followed by the menacing tiger army.

Before the war horse approached, he jumped down and killed a dragon guard who was fighting with the soldiers of the palace with his sword, and then stood in front of the leader, "Dark Crow, long time no see."

"Fu Lingtian!" The leader of the dragon guard gritted his teeth, "You're not dead yet!"

Ling Tian said, of course he's not dead, not only is he not dead, but he's still sending him on his way when he comes back this time!

Dark Crow didn't see the sword in the opponent's hand until he died, how did he kill him, "You..." It was

too fast.

Ling Tian clicked his tongue at the dark crow's dead body, which was a pity. The Dragon Guard is essentially a dead man, and he will only be loyal to one master in his life, otherwise he would try to recruit him.

"Ling Tian!" Murong Bai stabbed a dragon guard to death with his sword, kicked him away with his sword, and then quickly came to Ling Tian. His blue eyes were shining, and there was not only longing in his eyes, but also shining admiration, obviously he didn't miss the process of the other party killing Raven.

Ling Tian noticed the tear in his robe and frowned, "Are you injured?"

Murong Bai shook his head, "A small injury, it doesn't matter."

"Follow me."


Murong Bai actually didn't mind Ling Tian's injury. Tian pulled him behind him as a protector, not only that, but he could also guard the rear for him, and deal with the sneak attacking enemies at any time.

Surrounded by soldiers, He Yue, who was carried in, looked at the two fighting with their backs pressed against each other, feeling very uncomfortable for some reason. In the past, that position should have belonged to him, but now it was replaced by someone else. No matter how you look at the picture, it is so dazzling...

He Yue looked down at his pale hands and feet, only a wry smile remained.

"Ninth brother?" The crown prince stood in front of the old emperor, staring at the ninth brother who came in in astonishment, with mixed emotions in his heart, not knowing how to react.

The old emperor clutched his chest and cursed angrily, "You rebellious son, you have rebelled!"

Murong Bai walked forward slowly, holding a blood-dripping sword, "So what if I rebelled? Didn't you keep scolding me?" Is it from the blood of a foreign country, and you don't know how to teach? Of course I will show you instead!"

"Father, please obediently order that you will be successful and defeated, and I will find you and your second brother a good place to retire." The

old emperor insisted , "Kill me if you have the ability!" On

the charge of patricide, he sees how he ascends the throne!

"That's not necessary. The crown prince is kind-hearted, so he probably doesn't want to see his father and brother fight each other?" Ling Tian stood up and looked at the crown prince.

The old emperor squinted his eyes when he saw him, and Ling Tian immediately said, "Your Majesty, don't ask me why I'm not dead yet, the dark crow who asked me last time has already been killed by my sword." The

old emperor suffocated, "I shouldn't have used you in the first place!"

"It seems that I have taken advantage of it. The emperor didn't want me to live after using it, did he?"

Murong Bai was weird when he heard this, and glanced at Ling Ling continuously. The sky is a few eyes.

He should be the only one who really "used" Ling Tian, ​​right? Realizing that he was thinking wildly at this critical moment, he smiled shyly...

Ling Tian seemed to understand what his partner was thinking, and continued to argue, "When I serve the emperor, I will not only be a gentleman on Liang, but also go to the homes of the adults to search for evidence, and kill people to silence them when necessary..."

Ling Tian said here, The faces of all the ministers in the hall are not very good.

"Where is your majesty, the filial piety hinted that I would kill someone for you, and you said I was disloyal and unfilial, what kind of a kind person are you?

" Ling Tian saw that he was about to cough up his lungs, and he was a little afraid that he would die of anger just like that.

Nothing else, he was just afraid that the old emperor would die, and his partner would have a lump in his heart.

The ministers headed by King Anton began to persuade at this time, "Your Majesty, the matter has come to this, you should not hold on, and decree to abdicate.

" To be the best is my great swallow's blessing..."

"You... you bunch of rebellious officials and thieves." The old emperor forced himself to squeeze out these words from his teeth.

"Father, forget it." The prince slumped his shoulders, "No matter how much you plan for my son, my son is not here. The ninth younger brother is indeed better than my son, and my not as good as him." The

prince Relieved, he looked back at the old emperor, took the initiative to go to the front of the case and wrote the abdication edict, "The way is in the sky, only the virtuous and the capable, I have been in power for thirty-one years, Great Yan... Ninth Prince Murong Bai Zhong Lingyuxiu, outstanding character, he is indeed the talent of an emperor, hereby decree to..."

Murong Bai heard this, just about to step forward to stop him, but Ling Tian stopped him, "Don't go."

Murong Bai turned his head in surprise, " Ling Tian?"

Ling Tian looked into his eyes, "It doesn't make any difference whether you sit in that seat or I sit." He said in a down-to-earth manner, "And you are the orthodox Murong family. My name appears on this imperial decree, so it can only be judged by future generations. A country thief."

In fact, Ling Tian doesn't care what the future generations think of him. But as he himself said, there is not much difference between him and his wife.

Murong Bai was silent for a while, "Okay, I got it."

Ling Tian thought he understood, but when Murong Bai ascended the throne, he blatantly placed two dragon chairs in the court hall, ignored the objections of all the ministers, and founded the The situation of "Double Saints" was formed.

Of course, that's all for later.

At this time, the prince drew up the imperial decree and advised the old emperor to take out the jade seal and seal it. Although the old emperor hated iron for being weak, he chose to abdicate rather than die.

As soon as the jade seal was covered, all the ministers and soldiers who forced the palace all knelt down and shouted long live, "Congratulations to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor..."

Murong Bai's heart skipped a beat, he looked back subconsciously, and saw the man standing beside him. Ling Tian, ​​who was struggling, slowly calmed down, "... let's go to peace."

Murong Bai didn't kill the old emperor and the prince, but just picked a quiet palace in the harem, and imprisoned the two. The old emperor's health was not very good. After the abdication, the energy of the whole person suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know how long he could live in the cold palace.

"Master, are we going to live in a bigger house?" Song'er Xiao Baozi, who was already five years old, was held by Ling Tian and asked with his head tilted.

He had a slight convulsion, but it wasn't obvious. He still had short hands and legs, and it was difficult for him to cross the threshold.

When I saw Ling Tian for the first time a few days ago, I was almost frightened by his blood stains and murderous aura. But soon, this fear turned into admiration, sticking to Ling Tian like a little tail every day, even when moving house, Ling Tian had to hold his little hand.

"Well, isn't Song'er reluctant to part with the palace?"

Song'er looked back at the gate of the palace. This has been his home since he could remember, with his uncle, master, father-in-law Duofu, and nanny...

Song'er shook his head, "I want to be with my uncle and master."

He had a vague notion in his mind that home is where they are.

"Ling Tian——" two figures suddenly rushed out from the corner, regardless of the guards' obstruction, they just wanted to forcefully rush in front of them, "Ling Tian, ​​it's Father King and Mother Concubine, look at us..."

Ling Tian He waved to Fang Liang, "It's okay, let them come over." Then he turned around and carried Song'er into the carriage, patted his little head, "Sit obediently and wait for Master."

Seeing that Xiao Baozi nodded in response, Then he turned around slowly, "What are you doing here?"

Fu Yu licked his face and said, "Ling Tian, ​​we made a mistake in the previous matter, you are the blood of the father..."

Yu Shi argued, "It's Mrs. Hu who lied to us. You are the eldest son of the Dingnan Palace. Come back with us?"

Ling Tian glanced at Fu Mingyu who was hiding in the corner and dared not come out, and said sneeringly, "Who the hell are you?" You know what to do, do you want me to let the emperor order

a thorough investigation?" "No!" Fu Yu trembled, and said awkwardly, "I don't need to bother the emperor for such a small matter..."

How ruthless is this person who just took over the position? Ah, imprisoned the Supreme Emperor and the former crown prince, and by the way, cleaned up Wei Guogong's mansion and the crown prince's cronies, even the eunuch Hu Sheng and his adopted son were handed over to Li Zheng, I heard that they were tortured badly...

Ling Tian said, "I made it very clear that day, that farce should repay the kindness of the prince and concubine's upbringing. Since you have chosen Fu Mingyu, please be firm in your original aspirations, do not turn back when you start your bow, be half-hearted, and be careful. The only son-in-law is also lost..."

Yu was startled when she heard the words, and subconsciously turned her head to look at the corner. It doesn't matter to Fu Yu, he has many sons, Fu Mingyu is a legitimate son, but guarding a useless legitimate son, it's better to please the son he offended, he rubbed his hands, "Ling Tian, ​​father is wrong Now, can you forgive my father?"

Fu Yu is so shameless, Ling Tian is not annoyed, he only warns in a low voice, "If the prince keeps pestering you, believe it or not, the imperial decree to seize the title will arrive at the palace before the sun sets today. Where ?"

Fu Yu looked at him in disbelief, "The title is the inheritance passed down from the Fu family's ancestors, do you want to shame the ancestors?"

"It is you who shamed the ancestors." Ling Tian said coldly "Besides, I don't have a surname of Fu, so it has nothing to do with me." Fu

Yu and his wife came to him when he didn't pay for anything.

Ling Tian led Xiao Tuanzi into the palace. Not far away, he ran into He Yue who was coming out of a discussion. He Yue who was on the soft sedan stopped him, "Ling Yi."

"Little General." Ling Tian stopped when he heard the sound. ,

asked concerned, "How

is General He's injury?" Injury, one poisoning... Ever since he was forced into the palace, Ling Tian's appeal in the Huben army was no less than his, and the emperor very readily promoted the ranks of the generals. It can be said that their father and son's rights have been almost diluted.

He Yue hesitated, "You and the emperor..."

"Ling Tian!"


The author has something to say: Please call me Kazhang little expert!

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