Chapter 83

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"You still dare to falsely accuse my sister?" Shi Laogen was so angry that he beat Shi Fugui face to face.

Shi Fugui's cheeks were red from the beating, pained and aggrieved, he cried, "It's Shi Fuyu! Brother Jianhua and Brother Jianjun have seen it, I don't blame her!" Turning his

head again, he stared at Jianhua and Jianhua desperately . The two brothers in the army, "Brother, brother, tell grandpa, it's really not me!"

"Shi Fugui!" Mrs. Shi San yelled angrily. Fugui flinched, but still kept staring at his brothers.

Jianhua and Jianjun showed hesitation, and Mrs. Shi rushed forward, "It's none of your business, don't talk nonsense!"

Jianhua and Jianjun lowered their heads, listening to Fugui's cries one after another, feeling uncomfortable hell.

In fact, Shi Laogen had already figured it out at this moment, the one who splashed water was his little granddaughter Shi Fuyu. But Fugui has already beaten him, and he has no other choice but to pretend to be confused and continue to make mistakes.

Besides, Fu Yu...he didn't dare to hit him, because his life would be shortened!

For this reason, Shi Laogen's actions behind him were actually just pretending, Fugui cried miserably, and didn't notice at all.

Ling Tian noticed it, so he didn't stop him. When Shi Laogen was almost done beating, he sneered and said, "Actually, everyone knows who the person who splashed the water is. This kind of unfair treatment is a tradition of the old Shi family. If you like it, you can suffer it yourself. Anyway, I don't want to accompany you!"

Then he turned and entered the house.

His tactic was really ruthless, it directly tore off the fig leaf that Shi Laogen tried so hard to cover up, and it also made the Shi family present have different thoughts.

Shi Fuyu enjoys special treatment in this family, and not only a few juniors have suffered under her hands, even Boss Shi and Er Er Shi were reprimanded because of her. With Ling Tian's reminder, they instantly remembered that when they were at a disadvantage, they couldn't like Fuyu who was hiding behind Shi Laosan.

Fugui froze for a moment, staring straight at his uncle. Under the influence of the four elders, he has always felt that it is right to let his younger sister eat. He eats what the younger sister eats, picks up what the younger sister doesn't want, and gets scolded when the younger sister has something to do... Fugui never thought about fairness or unfairness, but he never thought about it. From this moment, he suddenly understood my uncle.

Yes, why should he endure such unfair treatment, because the younger sister is a girl, who is a lucky star, so she is more likable!

Everyone knew that Fugui had been wronged, but except for Ling Tian who told the truth, no one was willing to stand up and seek justice for him, even his parents acquiesced.

From this day on, Fugui became more gloomy, and he didn't treat Shi Fuyu as well as before. Shi Fuyu took the initiative to come to him, but he also liked to ignore it, and sometimes even grabbed Shi Fuyu's snacks.

Mr. and Mrs. Shi Laosan and his wife tried to persuade and persuade him in private, and even beat him, but later they saw that he was very stubborn, so they simply ignored him.

In their minds, this is just a child's temper. The more you talk to him, the more enthusiastic you will be. If you ignore him, you will be fine after a while.

The news about Shi Fuyu pouring cold water on his uncle's bed finally spread. Ling Tian didn't know who did it. There were too many people in the Shi family who could suspect him. The first was the wronged Fugui, then Mrs. Shi, Shi's second son, Jianguo and Weidong brothers.

Of course, the people in the village also complained about Ling Tian's actions, but thinking of the treatment he received after serving in the army for ten years outside, many young people still defended him.

In the end, Ling Tian washed the quilt by himself, and Mrs. Shi San felt uncomfortable and kept pretending to be deaf and dumb. Besides, Ling Tian didn't dare to let her touch his things, if she sprinkled some medicinal powder in it, put a live snake in it, it would be enough for him to suffer.

In fact, Ling Tian didn't care about these things, because he was too busy teasing his little educated youth. Since that night, Cui Mobai has been avoiding him, not daring to look him directly in the face, as if there is a ghost in his heart, guilty and cute.

Ling Tian loved to hang out in front of him whenever he had nothing to do, and every time he teased people to run away, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He knows that his partner is affected by the concept of the original body, and the character of each world will change. In fact, why not him? At the beginning, he never thought that he would be so narrow-minded. Knowing that his partner began to doubt his orientation, he went up to tease him restlessly. I don't know if the other party wants to beat me after he leaves the small world?

The young educated youth must be very troubled now. Falling in love with a man is very shocking in the current era. Will he doubt that he is a BT?

In fact, Ling Tian stood still, apart from letting him figure it out, there was another more important reason - he hadn't left the Shi family yet. It stands to reason that he has almost made troubles that should be caused, and the Shi family's hearts have been scattered, but there is only one opportunity missing.

And this opportunity was in the body of the original owner's wife, Sun Daya.

Speaking of which, this Sun Daya is also a poor person. Her parents died when she was seven or eight years old. Although her uncle took her back, he didn't treat her well. She was like a slave in their uncle's house, she had to do all kinds of work, otherwise she would be pushed to the ground and beaten by her uncle.

But pity is not the reason for her cheating marriage. Sun Daya's flaws are born, and she knows it herself. So her way of fooling the original owner was to pretend to be pregnant. Every time she was "pregnant" for a month or two, she would have an "accidental" miscarriage.

It's not that the original owner didn't want to go to the hospital for an examination, but Sun Daya was beaten to death and refused to go. For a while, she said that the hospital was full of male doctors, and she didn't want to be seen by other men;

Under Sun Daya's evasion and Hong Guihua's eyes closed, the original owner was successfully fooled. It wasn't until Sun Daya became so ill that he couldn't hide it that he learned from the doctor that his wife was actually infertile.

The original owner was angry at first, but so what if he got angry, Sun Daya was terminally ill and almost died! The original idea was for the sake of husband and wife, so far she has never mentioned divorce.

At that time, the original owner was already very rich. After Sun Daya passed away, he should have the opportunity to have his own children no matter if he continued to marry or do test tubes. But before he could make a decision, he also died in an accident, which finally made the so-called "lucky star" cheaper.

It's not that Ling Tian can't understand Sun Daya's choice of cheating marriage, she just wants to find a way out for herself. So Ling Tian decided to give her a chance, if she seized it, he would help her escape from her uncle's family, if she persisted, then he can't be blamed.

It's not that Ling Tian is soft-hearted. After all, women can't bear children. In this era, it's a terrible event. Publicizing it is like cutting off people's lives. He doesn't want to do it so badly.

Ling Tian originally thought that the time to see each other would be very fast, but he didn't expect that the eldest aunt of the Sun family was reluctant, and it took a month to agree.

Of course, it is said that they are acquainted, but Sun Daya has no right to choose at all. And Ling Tian... the Shi family can't wait to press their heads to let him agree!

On the day of the meeting, many people came to the Shi family's yard, all of whom were free in the village. Originally, the work in the field has been suspended now, and it is a bit cold to go out, but it is rare to have something interesting, so everyone took the trouble to watch the fun.

Because of this, Hong Guihua's smiling face has always been unnatural and distressed. Although boiled water doesn't cost money, her stir-fried peas and melon seeds and peanuts do cost money! Although each person only grabbed a small handful, the accumulation made a lot, and they all ate their own food!

"Hey, old five, you're really well-groomed!"

"Finally we're going to meet someone, are you nervous?"

As soon as Ling Tian came out, many villagers made fun of him. In fact, Ling Tian was no different from usual. . But this is the fun of seeing people on a blind date. Everyone is keen to make the men and women on the blind date blush, as if this will make it happen.

It's a pity that Ling Tian let them down, he always chatted with people with a smile on his face, and he would quickly go back to Tai Chi if someone said something too much, without stage fright at all.

"Look at this appearance, look at this body, as expected of being a soldier, we are a flower in the production brigade of Tongshan Village." A young man of the same generation patted Ling Tian on the shoulder and joked.

Everyone burst into laughter, the atmosphere was warm, when suddenly someone shouted outside, "People from Sunjia'ao are here!"

Everyone rushed out to watch the fun, Ling Tian's eyes were sharp, and he saw the young educated youth among the crowd outside the courtyard. He stood with the other educated youths watching the fun, met Ling Tian's gaze, and smiled unnaturally.

Ling Tian looked at his crying partner with an ugly smile, and suddenly regretted it, did he count as a scumbag?

But things have come to this point, and there is no room for him to regret it. The introducer, Aunt Niu, quickly brought Aunt Sun and Aunt Sun into the gate of the Shi family.

It can be seen that Sun Daya has been dressed up. Aunt Sun made an exception to let her wear an old cotton-padded jacket of her daughter for the sake of looking good. Although it has been washed white and has rough edges, it is clean and the color is still festive.

But with Sun Daya's yellow and thin face, it looks a bit creepy, like a female ghost in a horror movie. In fact, Sun Daya is not bad looking, but she is malnourished and a little thin and out of shape.

At that time, the original owner didn't know whether he felt pity for her, or because he saw the beauty under her appearance, or because of the pressure from Hong Osmanthus, in short, he couldn't resist in the end and married her.

Sun Daya kept her head down, and only when the introducer was speaking, she raised her head and glanced at Ling Tian quickly. But at this glance, she was satisfied, even pleasantly surprised. She thought that her aunt would find her a widower, or a man who was old enough to be her father.

But I didn't expect the other party's conditions to be so good, young and strong, tall and handsome, I heard that he is a veteran, and he can receive Guojia subsidies every month.

Daya Sun shook her hands excitedly. After all these years of hard work, she is finally about to make it through!

This is her only chance. If she doesn't get caught this time, she will not be so lucky next time!

Sun Daya was fully willing in her heart, but the man's attitude was not very warm, and he didn't even look at her directly. Sun Daya's heart sank, and she was anxious about what to do, when Aunt Niu over there gave Hong Guihua a wink. Hong Guihua hurriedly followed the agreement, saying that she wanted to keep someone for dinner at noon, and asked Ling Tian to go to a house with a stone mill at the head of the village to get a piece of tofu.

Ling Tian stood up, and Aunt Niu hurriedly said, "Da Ya hasn't been to Tongshan Village yet, why don't you go for a walk with Lao Wu?"

Sun Da Ya blushed with shame, but under the repeated urging of the elders, Still kept up with Ling Tian's footsteps.

In fact, in this era, blind dates are rarely so grandiose. Unless the two parties are sure that they will succeed, it will have a great impact on the woman's reputation. Hong Guihua did it on purpose. Although Sun Daya is innocent now, thinking about what she had concealed from the original owner, Ling Tian didn't bother to go to Sun Jia'ao to find her in advance. If something got out, he would be even more troublesome.

So Sun Daya chased after him, but he didn't refuse, otherwise how could this play be played?

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