Who's Coming

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I faced forward, sidestepped, ducked, and then brought my hand up into the gut of the soldier attacking me, sending fire onto his body, then kicked him into his friends, lighting them up with fire as well.

A ball of fire, the size of a person was launched, coming from the sky, giving it my smallest amount of attention, I shot an icy mist into the air, freezing the ball of fire, then shot a bullet of blood out of my hand, at the icy ball as it fell to the ground, causing it to shatter over our soldiers, instead of colliding with them.

I was drenched in blood, it was a peaceful feeling, reminding me of my times in the dungeon. I dodged a sword, sent a blood spike into the guys back, pulled the blood back to me, and sent it into another Alacryan, killing them as well.

Two Alacryans attacked me at once, one bringing a hand toward me that had some sort of acid on it, and the other bringing a sickle surrounded with mana. I froze them in place, conjured two ice daggers in each of my hands, and drove both my hands up into their throats, leaving the daggers there as they fell to the ground.

I started to walk into the force by myself, I knew Vanesy told me not to, but it was hard to stay back. I was swatting them down like flies, and I was enjoying it, I needed more. I could now sense that some of the Alacryans were on the edge of the cliff as we drove them back.

I dodged an ax, then a sword, as they tried to hit me, but I was on a whole different level than everyone here. I grew two ice spikes and impaled both of them, a shield formed in front of an archer, one that must have backed away as soon as they saw our forces coming from the forest.

The archer released an arrow intended for my head, I reached up and caught it in my hands, then disrupted the core of the shield user, and had the blood inside of them erupt.

Soldiers were clashing with each other all throughout the battlefield, it was so loud, but I was able to cancel it out. I didn't know when, but Jagrette should be here soon I believe.

I sensed for Arthur, I knew what his blood felt like, so it was pretty easy, he was almost as far as me, just on the other side pushing them backwards.

"Ahhh!" A soldier screamed as he ran at me holding a spear, I tilted my head at him as I dodged a poke to my head. "Ahh!" He screamed more as he swung at my ribcage.

I shook my head. "Who the hell trained you?" I waved my hand at him, like I was swatting away a fly, and the soldier blew up, blood drenched me and the soldiers nearby. I ignored it, some of the soldiers didn't, I was used to it, being covered in blood.

I conjured two ice daggers in my hands again, dodged attacks with ease, and made my way closer to where I saw a group of Alacryan soldiers circled up together, casting shields in all directions, protecting their force.

I ducked, slid my dagger into someones jaw, pulled it out, threw it at a shield user, she protected herself, and I conjured another dagger in my hand. Six shields formed around them, and I disrupted their cores, causing the shields to disappear, then sent the blood flowing around me at them, forming small spikes in the air and watched as they pierced through the armor they were wearing.

"Drive them back! They're near the cliff!" Vanesy shouted, and she was right, I was about twenty soldiers directly in front of me from the cliff's edge now.

"Hold your ground!" An Alacryan screamed, but died immediately after I ripped the blood out of his body, then shot it toward their back lines, killing a few more.

I still had a ton of mana, it was like I barely used any, probably because I was in white core now.

"Target the brat!" Another soldier from Alacrya screamed, and spells from soldiers around me, came flying towards me, I could see a spear made from fire, blades of water, a gale of wind, there were more, but it didn't matter.

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