chapter 43

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Bill: Get your stuff now! Mj: What's going on? Bill: We need to leave this hospital now! Come on! You and Michael packed your stuff. Bill: Now move your ass! Mj: What are we going to do?! Bill: We are going to Neverland. You: Doesn't Michael need to stay here? Bill: How are you feeling Michael? Mj: Good. Bill: Okay let's go! Bill opens the door and checked the hallway. Bill: Alright go! You and Michael run through the hallway. You: This is sick! Why are we running away?! Mj: i don't know but let's do what Bill says! You and Michael are holding hands while running through the hallway. *Bill comes running to you and Michael* Bill: We need to get to the garage. There is the limo! Mj: Alright! *Bill opens the door* You and Michael are running downstairs to the garage. After running down 12 floors, you are finally at the garage. You: Where is the limo? Mj: I don't see it. Bill?! Where is Bill?! *door opens* Bill: Here i am. You: Jesus you scared us. Where is the limo? Bill: Follow me. Bill slowly walked along the walls. Bill: Shit get down! You and Michael got down. You: Omg what is happening?! Mj: Calm down i'm here. Michael holds your hand tight. Bill: stay there. Bill gets behind a car. Bill: Okay, Stay here no matter what alright? Mj: Okay. You: This is creeping me out. Mj: It's okay, nothing bad is going to happen. You: How do you know?! Mj: Sshhht! I've done this so many times. You: What are we doing? Mj: We are hiding for the press. Bill: RUN NOW! Bill comes driving over to you and Michael. Michael holds you hand tight and runs with you to the limo. Michael opens the door and pushed you into the limo. He gets in and closes the door. Bill droves with full speed away. You are shaking like crazy. Mj: It's okay now, we are safe. You: Are you sure? Mj: Yes i'm sure y/n. Bill: MOTHERFUCKERS GET AWAY! Michael looked outside. Mj: Oh no...

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