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❛Sneaking out ❜
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12 ] ❛Sneaking out ❜-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------

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"I still can't believe this." Jimin hissed.

"Last time I checked. I was the one who flew after a wild broom and managed to stop it. Not Jeon." He spat, however this time Haru didn't feel the need to roll her eyes as he was in fact right.

What flying skills had Jeon showed that are on parr to or better than Jimins flying that day? If anything Jimin should have been offered a spot as Slytherins seeker.

"I totally agree, what flying skills has that boy shown?" Haru snarled, still angry at the way he spoke down on her the other day.

Jimin and Haru were currently sneaking out of the castle, as a certain Slytherin barged into Harus dorm room and demanded, not asked, her to join him in spying on the gryffindors quidditch training.

So here they were, sneaking around the grounds hoping not to get caught by any teachers on watch, however it was still before lights out so it shouldn't be that bad. Luckily, most of the students and teachers were in the great hall eating dinner.

As they successfully entered the stadium unseen, the pair made there way up to the teachers stands so they could get a good view of  the practice, without being seen hopefully.

"He's actually pretty good." Haru complimented, as she watched Jungkook easily weave in and out of players, chasing after the fake snitch.

"Whose side are you on again, Lee? Must I remind you." Jimin smirked at the girl next to him.

"Oh please I know whose side I am on, especially after what happened the other day." Both Haru and Jimin grew mad at the memory.

"I should of hexed him then and there for the way he spoke to you." Jimin spoke with such distaste. It clear just how much he hated Jeon Jungkook.

The pair then crouched in silence, watching the players zoom past. Haru had to admit, they were a very strong team and that Slytherin hopefully had strong players this year in order to have any chance against them.

Whereas Jimin sat back and analysed their performance carefully, whispering judgemental comments at some of the players who had made the slightest mistake, claiming he could do a lot better.

"I should be out there, I'm a much better flyer than Jeon. You too most probably Haru, it's not easy being able to stay on a wild broom, we'd make great additions to the Slytherin team, Yoongi too." Jimin complimented the girl. Haru was about to thank him, but a grip on both her and Jimins shoulders made them both jump out their skin.

"Mr Park, Miss Lee." The two froze upon hearing snapes cold voice.

"What are you two doing up here at this hour?" He asked suspiciously. The two children gulped, scared in case Snape scolded them for their actions.

"Just needed some fresh air." Haru squeaks. Lying through her pearly white teeth.

"Yes, spying on Jeon and the Gryffindors practice time is a great way to get fresh air." He sarcastically remarked.

Jimin and Haru exchange worried glances, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Detention both of you, tomorrow night with me. You are lucky it was me who caught you, and not another teacher who would of gladly took points off of our house. We wouldn't want that now would we?" Jimin and Haru immediately shook their heads, apologising and then scurrying away.

Although they were thankful it had been Snape who had caught them, as he was head of Slytherin house and had weirdly took a liking to the two children, they were still rather scared.

"Thanks for getting me in detention poobrain." Haru spat at Jimin as they walked back to the Slytherin common room.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to come with me stupid." Jimin sassed back.

"Forced. Forced would be the correct word Park." Haru corrected him. Jimin only rolled his eyes before breaking out into a smile.

"At least we have detention together, alone." He teased, wiggling his eyebrows towards the girl while she gave him a disgusted look.

"Park Jimin!" She roared, but Jimin had already ran away from the girl.


It was now the evening after the two Slytherins were awarded detention. Haru and Jimin were currently sat in silence in Professor Snapes classroom. He had trusted them alone to revise for the potions test next week, as he had business to attend to.

No matter how bored Haru was, she managed to mask it well and just get on with her work, not wanting to get into anymore trouble. Although the same couldn't be said for Jimin.

He had stopped working ages ago and was now playing around with his wand.

Jimin was using his wand to produce drawings in his book. Right now he was having much fun in drawing jungkook falling from his broom.

Though drawing quickly became boring and so he looked over at Lee to see her writing away. Clueless as of what to do, he smirked when he got an idea.

He picked up his quill and wrote on a piece of paper. After finishing writing, he scrunched up the paper and threw it in Harus direction. He held in his laugh when it hit her right in the face.

Haru flinched at the sudden attack, but didn't bother to turn around to face the culprit as she already knew who it was. Instead she opened the paper, curious as to what was written inside.

'What do you get when you mix incredibly good looks, a very smart brain and an excellent flyer'

"I don't know Jimin, an egotistical asshole?" Haru replied bored. Jimin just looked at her with a 'wtf' face.

"No stupid. You get me." Jimin laughed at his own joke, whilst pointing to himself.

"Oh really? I thought you were on about a certain Jeon. Haru smirked, ready to tease the boy. Jimins face immediately fell into a scowl.

"Oh please I'm way better looking than he is and you know it." Jimin responded smugly, running a hand through his blonde locks.

"Yes and I'm the prettiest girl on earth." She sarcastically said, flipping her brown locks over her shoulder for effect. Jimin just stared at her, he never noticed but she did have pretty eyes.

"Ahem, what are you writing about?" Jimin changed the subject awkwardly, when he realised he was looking into her eyes for way too long

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"Ahem, what are you writing about?" Jimin changed the subject awkwardly, when he realised he was looking into her eyes for way too long.

Haru was confused at his behaviour, but shook it off thinking it was one of his typical mood swings. Although she began explaining her notes to Jimin, hoping this detention would finish rather soon.

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