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Jung Hoseok walked happily through the near empty corridor, heading towards his common room, thankful to have learnt somewhat new things today in his lessons

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Jung Hoseok walked happily through the near empty corridor, heading towards his common room, thankful to have learnt somewhat new things today in his lessons.

Taking a sip from his cup of water, Hoseok rounds the corner however he wasn't expecting to see what he saw...

Taking a sip from his cup of water, Hoseok rounds the corner however he wasn't expecting to see what he saw

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"Hey Hoseok." Haru smiled sweetly, too sweetly.

The girl was leaning against the wall outside of the Gryffindors common room, waiting for Hoseok to show his gracious self.

"Haruuu, wha- what are you doing here?" Hoseok asks awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck nervously, hoping Haru wasn't here for what he thinks she is.

"Let's cut the crap shall we." Haru turns serious all of a sudden and Hoseok thought his heart stopped out of fear.

"Care to explain why Jeon and Kim were in the Slytherin common room last night?" Haru asked, looking into the boys soul hoping to seek answers of last nights weird events, which Haru was certain Hoseok was a part of

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"Care to explain why Jeon and Kim were in the Slytherin common room last night?" Haru asked, looking into the boys soul hoping to seek answers of last nights weird events, which Haru was certain Hoseok was a part of.

"Huh, come again?" Hoseok leaned in, playing innocent. Narrowing her eyes at him, she continued anyway.

"Yes, Crabbe and Goyle were acting very peculiar last night, as if they weren't themselves." Haru stopped, noticing the boy now avoiding her eyes.

'Busted' she thought victoriously.

She continued on, "Not to mention the two joined us in the great hall for breakfast this morning and recalled no such thing, however they did remember eating chocolate. Chip. Cookies." Harus words got slower and slower as she stepped closer and closer to the boy.

Hoseok stepped back, intimidated by the small witch as he still failed to meet her eyes, knowing she knew of his actions.

"Oh really. Wer- were they nice cookies?" Hoseok internally cursed himself for his current state, However he couldn't help but be scared of Lee Haru.

"Yes very nice cookies, in fact they even made Yoongi fall into a deep sleep so... Quit it Jung and confess." Haru hissed the last sentence making him flinch, even more scared that she had used his last name.

"Okay okay fine." He threw his hands up in defeat. "I made a polyjuice potion so Jungkook and Tae could sneak into the Slytherin common room to try and find answers on who opened the chamber of secrets thinking it was Park so we could catch him and put an end to the whole chamber of secrets thing." Hoseok breathes heavily after his rant, disappointed in himself for cracking so easily.

"Why would you think it's Jimin?" Haru asked curiously, upset for them to try and accuse Jimin of such a thing. She knows his strong hate for mudbloods, but he would never do something like this, not to mention he had no clue the chamber of secrets existed, until it was brought to his attention.

"Well we know how much he hates witches and wizards like me, also he's pretty wicked." Hoseok speaks slowly, scared of upsetting Lee.

"Oh please," she scoffs, "Jimin is just as innocent as anyone of us here. If I hear you accuse Jimin of this one more time, I won't hesitate to bring your head on a plate to the dragons." Haru warned her friend, before smiling sweetly once again and walking away. Leaving behind a bewildered Hoseok.


Later that evening, Haru was sat in her dorm at her desk completing her readings for charms class and Herbology, when she heard a knock at the door.

Thinking it was her dorm mates returning from dinner, she thought nothing of it and opens the door. However, she was shocked to see who the person was on the other side.

"Hey Lee." Jimin greeted enthusiastically whilst inviting himself into the girls dorm, making Haru look at him weirdly.

"Uhm please come in." Haru mutters as she closes the door, making her way over to the boy who had sat himself on her bed.

"What are you doing here at this hour? Snape will kill you if he catches you out of bed at this hour, let alone for being in the girl dormitories." Haru asked as she took a seat back at her desk.

"I just wanted to say thankyou." Jimin smiled sincerely at the girl, leaving her even more confused.

"What? Why are you thanking me?" She asked intrigued.

"For sticking up for me before, you could of easily sided with Jung and believed it was me who opened the chamber of secrets, but you never, so thankyou." Jimin sincerely speaks, genuinely thankful to have someone as loyal as Lee as a friend.

"Oh it was nothing, I know you and me are in the same boat with this one, as in we have no clue about what is going on." Haru is very good at telling when people lie, especially Jimin and so she knows it isn't him.

"Well thankyou anyways, you truly are amazing." Jimin looks into the girls eyes, making her cheeks flush embarrassed from the intensity of his gaze.

Jimin felt it again. He felt that weird warmth in his chest when he's with Haru, especially in moments like these and he has no idea why, but he can't help but enjoy the feeling.

Haru coughs and looks away, focusing back on her reading hoping the boy would disappear.

"I see you're dressed for bed so I shall leave you here, good night Haru." Jimin whispers the last sentence whilst walking to the door, closing it before the girl can reply.

"Goodnight Jimin, sleep well." Haru whispers, facing the now-closed door in which Park had just left.


Yo guys!!
I was just wondering if you are actually enjoying this story lol, I'm updating loads and I'm scared in case it's not actually good and I'm wasting my time you know, but I am enjoying writing this very very very much and I'm getting loads of idea for upcoming chapters sooo...

Have a nice day anyway ;))

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