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14 ] ❛Poisoned❜-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------

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"Welcome back Students. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas." Snapes sluggish voice filled the DADA classroom, grabbing the students attention as they prepared themselves for their first lecture back since Christmas break.

Jimin and Haru sat comfortably at the very back of the classroom, out of both sight and out of Snapes hearing distance...or so they believed.

"I never got a chance to thankyou for my Christmas present." Haru turns to face Jimin who sat beside her, a small smile on his face as he began to express his gratitude. "I wasn't even expecting a gift from you, yet there you were gifting me with the best and most useful gift I have ever received...so thankyou."

A large smile made its way onto Haru's face, a small blush coating her warm cheeks at his kind words. It seemed even the simplest of things, such as him thanking her for a Christmas gift which he had done times before, still makes her heart race and cheeks involuntarily turn pink.

"It's no big deal really." She brushed off his gratitude with modesty, "you could say I just put a lot of thought into it." Jimin frowned at her words.

"Haru, making a liquid luck potion is no walk in the park. It takes time, precision, complex ingredients and an awful lot of patience and skill. How on earth did you manage to make it?" Haru's mouth flew open at his words, shocked by the double meaning behind them - was he saying she was not capable of concocting such a thing.

"If you must know Jimin, I do possess those qualities and so making the potion was just as easy as me making a cup of tea." Jimin didn't say anything, he only raised an eyebrow at her in question as he narrows his brown eyes, staring into her own.

It didn't take much for Jimin to make her crack...

"Okay fine." Haru huffs, throwing her hands up in defeat. "I had Hoseok help me." She confesses making Jimin only smirk in victory. "I know you did love, you didn't fail to mention it in the cute little note you left accompanied with the box." Haru gave the blonde boy a blank look as he smiled mischievously. If there was one of the many things Jimin loved in this crazy world... it was teasing Haru.

"Hoseok is a very talented potion maker. I was going to ask Taehyung or Jungkook, however I quickly remembered how the both of them aren't exactly the brightest of students." Haru couldn't help but let out a small laugh, remembering the fake hurt on the two Gryffindors faces when she had asked Hoseok for help and not them.

However, Jungkook seemed to be acing his potion classes at the moment and apparently it was all because of a certain textbook he had snatched from Slughorns classroom. Hoseok has kindly shared with her that before her and Jimin arrived late to that certain class she dare not speak of, Taehyung and Jungkook were late too and since they didn't take potions as a subject for their NEWTs next year, they failed to buy the required text books. So, Slughorn offered then two and Jungkook just happened to get one which was priorly the property of the so called 'Half Blood Prince'.

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