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❛Quidditch World Cup❜
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To say Haru was shocked when her owl flew into her room one summer evening, giving her an invitation from Taehyung asking her to join him and his family at the Quidditch World Cup, would be an understatement

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To say Haru was shocked when her owl flew into her room one summer evening, giving her an invitation from Taehyung asking her to join him and his family at the Quidditch World Cup, would be an understatement.

Her and the three Gryffindors had gotten closer during their third year at Hogwarts, however she didn't think they were that close. In fact she wasn't planning on going, but she wouldn't pass up the opportunity, especially if her own parents wouldn't take her.

Summer break was coming to a close though, Haru had to go back to school in around two weeks time, but she was rather excited.

Her and Jimin had been sending owls to each other all summer long, talking about anything and everything. Mostly consisting of Haru anticipating the year to come and Jimins fast approaching fifteenth birthday.

Jimins birthday was first out of the two, on October 13th, whereas Harus birthday was the 9th February. They both secretly made a plan to surprise each other this year for their special day, to make up for the last three years which where rather mediocre birthday celebrations, being then young and immature.

Onto another subject however, Haru had matured even more over summer, filling out her womanly curves more and her voice and nature more mature, her brown locks cascading longer down her back. Despite her changes however, she was keen to see Jimin again, desperately missing the boys presence and was curious to see how he has matured also.

So as she packs her bags to leave for the Burrow's, the Kim's home, she was praying that Jimin was attending the Quidditch World Cup also.


Haru snuggles closer to her pillow in which her head rested upon, as she indulged in one the most comfiest sleeps she had - losing herself in a dream involving a certain blonde boy.

But that dream quickly came crashing down.

"Wake up, Haru! Wake up!" The said girl jolted awake, sitting upright in her bed as her tired eyes fly open to meet the urgent eyes of Jung Hoseok.

"For merlins sake Haru, you were supposed to be the easiest one to wake up!" He groaned, yanking the blankets from off her bed, "I've been calling your name for the last five minutes or so, let's hope the boys aren't as troublesome to wake up." Hoseok threw appropriate clothes for the girl before beginning to head out to wake up Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Them two boys are no doubt much harder to wake up than a large, grizzly bear deep in its hibernation, a lot more difficult than me." Hoseok heard Haru grumble to herself - still not removing herself from the comfort of her bed.

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