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The door shut and Haru was pushed against the door, the room was dark and she was left feeling petrified, taking out her wand to shed some light in the dark room

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The door shut and Haru was pushed against the door, the room was dark and she was left feeling petrified, taking out her wand to shed some light in the dark room.

"Lumos." She whispered, the end of her wand illuminated with light, making the dark room slightly more lit.

Haru nearly jumped our her skin however, when she seen Jimin stood before her, a smirk on his face but a cold look in his usual warm eyes. Haru frowned as she looked up at him weirdly, watching as he begins to walk towards her, an evil glint in his dark eyes.

"Uhh Jimin? What are you doing?" She asked him, she dare say she was feeling scared of him as of right now.

Jimin didn't speak any words, instead his smirk grew in size and he draws out his wand, "Expelliarmus." He casts, Haru gasps as her wand lands in Jimins hands now instead.

"What was that for?!" She exclaimed furiously, walking towards the boy and trying to get her wand back from out his grasp. Jimin swiftly hid the wand behind his back, turning in circles when Haru tries to reach around him to get to his back.

She wasn't in the mood to play any of his immature games.

An amused look adorns his face, watching her press up against him and try to wrap both of her arms around him and reach her wand, however she was struggling greatly.

"You'll get it back, once you tell me what you were doing with Diggory." Jimins voice was low and commanding.

Haru took a step back at his words, her arms folded over her chest as she gives him a confused, yet bored look.

"What do you mean, 'what was I doing with Diggory?' I've never spoken a word to the boy in my life." Haru says, whilst Jimins gaze only hardens and he steps back right in front of Haru, making her look up at him, slightly nervous.

"You were clearly checking each other out, what you got another lad to add to your list?" Jimin scowls whilst Haru looks at him offended.

She was completely appalled by both his actions and his words, never having seen this side of Jimin before.

"If you must know, Jimin." Haru spits making Jimin flinch, her glare turning deadly. "Diggory was not just looking at me, he was looking at Soyeon too since you know you've basically claimed me or something like that, no boy would ever dare look my way!" Haru steps forward with each step, making Jimin slowly back away from her until he bumped into a desk.

"So don't you dare paint me out to be some desperate girl who seeks men's attention like Parkinson. And how dare you get angry with me for looking at others, when we're not even together!" She spits, her last words hurting Jimin despite the truth they hold.

Haru finally took a step back, looking at Jimin in both hurt and disappointment, truly saddened by his words towards her before she walked up to the door.

"Keep my wand." She states simply, "I don't want to waste my time trying to get it back from a dickhead like you." She grits through her teeth before walking out of the classroom. Jimin flinched once again when she slams it shut with such force, showing just how angry she was with him.

"Fuck!" Jimin throws both wands at the wall, running his hand through his hair exasperated, knowing very well he just made a big mistake.

"Fuck!" Jimin throws both wands at the wall, running his hand through his hair exasperated, knowing very well he just made a big mistake

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Haru storms back into the great hall once again, both her ears emitting steam as she literally marched back over towards where Soyeon stayed sitting.

Haru threw herself into the seat next to her friend. Soyeon looks up from her book and notices her furious expression, knowing somethings happened.

"What's wrong with you?" Soyeon asked, Haru turns to her with a glare making Soyeon raise her eyebrow.

"Nothing." Haru says through clenched teeth, turning her attention back to the Goblet of fire. Soyeon was about to say something, but then Jimin catches her eye. The boy walks in furiously, pushing into anyone in his way, also clearly mad about something.

Soyeon put two and two together, deciding to mind her own business. However, when she sees Jimin glance over at Haru before averting his gaze, she couldn't help but be curious.

"What's Park done now?" She asks, leaning closer to Haru.

Haru looked back at Soyeon, her blank look indicating how done she was, but Soyeon didn't care right now, she wanted the tea spilled.

Haru groans dramatically, knowing too well she wouldn't leave her alone if she said nothing again. "He's a jealous douchebag that needs to learn to keep his opinions to himself, when he knows fuck all about the situation." Haru remarks angrily, glaring over at Jimin.

"Okay..." she was taken aback by her temper. "May I ask why?" She pries deeper, causing Haru to sigh, turning back to face her with a look of sadness.

"He thought me and Diggory were checking each other out, which I understand because from where he sat he obviously couldn't tell that he was looking at you too. But then, he lets his emotions get the better of him and he speaks down on me like I'm some girl, who is desperate and seeks attention from every man in this school, and that, that was what hurt me." Haru reveals, looking down sadly as she remembered his words.

Soyeon rubs her back soothingly, "If there's one thing we know about Jimin it's that he hates sharing things that are his, now clearly you aren't an object that he owns and he has to realise that." Soyeon speaks her wise words and opinion on the situation.

"And what they say is... People only get jealous because they are scared of losing that something or someone that is so important to them." Haru looks up and over to Jimin at her words, already seeing he was looking at her with eyes that held nothing but pure regret.


Short chapter ya'll but an important one! This chapter shows another side to Jimin that may not be the prettiest, but it does show his fears and how much he cares about Haru and like Draco, they aren't perfect :))

I'll be updating twice today and maybe even three times if your lucky, so just let me know do you want two or three updates today?

BTW next chapters gonna be so soft, so grab your tissues and your Uwu's ;)) <3

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