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[ 3.1 ]
❛Third year❜
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Haru dragged her luggage lazily behind her through the crowds, wanting nothing more than to board the famous Hogwarts express and sit down as soon as possible

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Haru dragged her luggage lazily behind her through the crowds, wanting nothing more than to board the famous Hogwarts express and sit down as soon as possible. Her precious legs were hurting from the little walking she had done.

Over the Summer, Haru had experienced a few major changes. One being she began her period, which she was not happy about. At all.

Secondly, her body had changed. Not much, but enough to be able to notice. Her usual round; innocent face had thinned out making her cheekbones and jawline more prominent, giving her a sharper look. Her lips had filled out to fit her face and her eyes went bigger; even darker. She also filled out her curves a little, gaining more of a womanly shape to her.

Thirdly, her usual wild curly brown locks were now tamed, falling effortlessly in waves down her back, grown darker in colour. Her voice changed a little, only becoming slightly deeper, losing its child-like charm and she had also grew a little taller.

She was slowly becoming a young woman, and her mother and father were beyond proud of the young witch she was becoming - destined for great things.

However, despite the small changes she still keeps her same attitude and the freckles which painted her nose and cheeks, still made her feel youthful as such.


Over on the muggle side of the station, Kim SeokJin and Kim Namjoon had ran ahead of the others they traveled with, an evil plan having been formulated in their minds.

Jin looked around, making sure no muggles noticed what they were up to and when all was clear, he elbowed Namjoon. Namjoon pointed his wand discreetly up at the platform signs, muttering a charm under his breath. The numbers on the signs changed from nine to nine and three quarters, swapping with the original sign.

They chuckled to each other as they hid behind a brick wall, waiting for their unknowing victims. Soon enough Taehyung and Jungkook emerged together, pushing all their stuff on a cart in front of them.

Tae points up to the sign, the boys then breaking out into a steady run, heading straight for the wrong wall. Preparing to run briskly through the wall, Jungkook was unprepared when he flew forward into the wall along with all his stuff, followed by Taehyung crashing into him.

 Preparing to run briskly through the wall, Jungkook was unprepared when he flew forward into the wall along with all his stuff, followed by Taehyung crashing into him

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