Water And Air

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Air Temple Island was cosy. The kids had been especially welcoming. Well, at least Meelo and Ikki had been. Jinora had been a little off with Sukara, she knew why of course but she was glad that Jinora didn't. Sukara would have liked to apologise to her for being partially responsible for attacking her in the spirit world but, there was no way to do that without revealing who she was.

Tenzin had been questioning Team Avatar's new friend but he hadn't pressed too hard.

"Hey watch this," Meelo called to Sukara as she was being shown around by Ikki.

He jumped and formed an air scooter. He took it up then down one of the columns.

"It's good right!" he chirped, a big smile on his face as he landed back on the floor.

"Yeah," Sukara laughed as she turned to watch him, "you're a very talented air bender."

"And I learned this last week watch!" he said, frowning as he focused on his hands.

A small tornado formed in his palm. He grew it slowly, but it soon spun off of his hands.

Reacting fast, Sukara grabbed the tornado and quickly unravelled it before it hit Ikki.

The three of them froze.

"I thought you were a water bender?" Ikki asked.

"I am," Sukara blurted, "I just touched it, it probably wasn't powerful enough to do anything. I mean you did only just learn it."

"You unravelled it," Meelo said, his smile growing bigger, "we saw you! Maybe it's like uncle Bumi, you got air bending from the spirit world."

"Maybe, but having two bending types has to be a first!" Ikki chirped, grabbing Sukara by the hand.

"We don't even know if I can," Sukara said trying to stop them, "it was probably nothing."

"We've got to show dad!" Meelo said excitedly, he grabbed her other hand and dragged her back to their house.


They all sat around the table talking about how Bumi might be an air bender. He kept trying to air bend to show Tenzin but it wasn't working.

While Sukara was trying to keep her head down to avoid any more talk about her being an air bender, Meelo threw his plate at Bumi. He caught it in the air. It was true. The spirit world had released air bending abilities to previous non benders.

"See dad!" Meelo chimed, "Maybe it'll work with Sukara too!"

"No," Sukara tried to stop him but it was too late.

He had already thrown another plate. As fast as she could, she bent the water in her cup and caught the plate before it hit her in the face. Carefully, she put it down on the table and let go of the water.

"I apologise about the table Master Tenzin," she said calmly as she picked the water out of the table cloth and placed it back in her cup.

"That's alright Sukara," he told her, "you must come from a very traditional family, none of this lot call me Master Tenzin."

"I did yes," Sukara said with a polite bow.

"And you're right," he continued, "with your water bending it is very unlikely that you would have gained air bending when Korra opened the spirit portals. It was probably some kind of water bending that stopped Meelo's tornado."

Sukara nodded, relieved that the matter was over with. She hadn't meant to air bend in front of anyone, she hadn't thought before trying to protect Ikki. Meelo was not so happy, he was sure he had seen it. Maybe his father was right but he was going to keep an eye on her.

"But we do need to investigate these new air benders," Tenzin said, speaking to the room now, "if there are more of them, they will be lookin for a teacher and maybe we'll be able to fill the air temples again."

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