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Sukara had moved from Lin's office to go and talk to Mako to give herself more of something to do. He smiled from behind his desk as he saw her coming over, half bend down as she held onto the hand of a small child that had decided to walk. He waved at them as they came to sit in the chair next to his desk.

"Hello," he said as Sukara lifted Voya up onto her lap, he held out his hand to give her a gentle handshake, "I'm Mako."

"Voya," she mumbled, as she looked up at him.

She was staring up at his hair as he leaned down to speak to her. Voya was still a little shy but her curiosity was getting the better of her as she reached out to try and touch the sticking up part at the front. Mako chuckled a little and dipped his head down to let her touch it. Her little hand went into the fluffy part and she moved it around, putting it all out of place.

"Soft," Voya said, giggling as the hair tickled her hand. She moved her hand back to see that she had made his hair messy. She looked up Sukara with a slightly worried expression which only made Sukara laugh.

To make sure she didn't feel too bad, Sukara reached forward and ruffled all of his hair, messing up the rest of it as well.

"Hey!" he complained, sitting back up and running his hand through his hair to fix it.

"She's right it is soft," Sukara laughed as she watched him grumble as he peered into the metal surface of his pen holder.

Sukara held onto a giggling Voya as she looked up to do another check on the doorway. This time she saw Lin coming back in. She looked worried, and possibly sad.

"Hey Voya, jump down here a moment I've got something to show you," Mako said, noticing the police chief coming back in.

Sukara frowned and made a face to ask Lin if every was okay. Lin shook her head indicating that what they were scared of had happened, she made a gesture with her head to tell Sukara to come over so that she could talk to her.

Voya pushed herself off of Sukara's lap and landed on the floor. The top of her head barely reached the top of the desk so she couldn't see Lin anymore. Mako opened his desk draw and pulled out a funny looking ball. Handing it to the three year old, she held it in both hands to look at it as Sukara stood and crossed the room.

"What happened?" Sukara asked as she approached Lin and Kuvira, "did you find her?"

"Yeah we did," Lin nodded, she kept her voice low so that there wasn't any risk of Voya hearing them, "she didn't make it. The CSI said it looks like she was dead when she fell, he can't be certain of what caused it until the pathologist confirms but he thinks it was natural causes."

Sukara nodded, a frown deep in her brow as she looked back to where Mako was leaning behind his desk, distracting Voya.

"What happens to her now?" Sukara asked, turning back to Lin.

"Well, without any immediate family to be found, we'll call a social worker," Lin sighed, folding her arms, "because she's so young she'll likely be place with a foster family rather than in the care home."

Sukara looked back over at Mako's desk, Voya had obviously become disinterested in the ball and was now on her tiptoes with her eyes just peering over the top of the desk looking at her. She smiled the best she could and gave her a wave. She just wanted her to be safe and happy, and she wanted to do everything she could to make that happen.

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