What I Like

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Guan didn't waste any time once Sukara had been put in handcuffs, he brought her straight to his office. He felt in control, but her calm demeanour was unexpected.

"I've been anxious to meet you," he said as one of his guards shut the door behind her, "you became quite the inspiration to me. When I was researching you after you attacked an Earth Empire soldier all those years ago, I found out who you were, what you did for this world only to be betrayed by your own family. You're a legend. The empress of the old world."

"So is this how you treat legends?" Sukara asked, holding up her hands that were bound in wood.

She could just bend it off her hands but that would prevent her from surprising him later and right now didn't have the wow factor that she would like for it.

"You have to understand," he said wandering over to the glass doors that lead to the balcony, overlooking the town, "I have to take some precautions. But, as a symbol of trust."

He turned and undid her handcuffs. She rubbed her wrists and followed him out onto the balcony.

"You have to be quite remarkable to pull that off," he smiled, looking out, watching the people walking around, "a very strong power."

"It had nothing to do with who I was," Sukara told him, squinting through the sun light as she noticed people start to gather in front of some steps, "I was just a figurehead for my people, if you don't have support of the people you can't do anything. There's only one of you, there are millions of them."

"Beautiful advice for someone who I thought would hate me," Guan said, a slight smirk as he watched her, "have I won you over? Because I assure you that wasn't what I asked you here for."

"It's just something simple you have to understand," Sukara shrugged, turning and wandering back into his office, "power and strength above them is good and you should always keep yourself there, but compassion and mercy means they don't mind being there. It's just as important."

"Why are you telling me all this?" he asked, turning to watch her walk through the room.

"I can tell a dead man what I like," Sukara said, smirking as she watched his face fall.

"I'm-- what?" Guan asked, stepping forward to follow her as she reached for the door.

"Should we go?" she asked, relishing in the look on his face, "I think you're audience is waiting for you."

She gave him a smile as she opened the door and exited the room. He knew he had to follow her but he needed to take a moment to consider what she had said. Had it been a joke? Why would she say it so boldly if it wasn't? It gave her no advantage. Her behaviour was strange and not at all what he expected. After kidnapping someone so dear to her, he would have expected anger and rage, not this cool, calm demeanour that made it seem like she wasn't that bothered by the situation.

Empress Of The Old World  {Legend Of Korra}Where stories live. Discover now